Civil Status announces the availability of vacancies for women.. Find out the conditions and how to apply

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Ministry of Interior has announced some vacancies in the civil status for women in the Kingdom, and to obtain a unique opportunity to work within the civil status, it is possible to apply through the Absher electronic platform.

Requirements for applicants

The applicant must be of Saudi nationality.

The applicant’s age should not be more than 35 years, and not less than 25 years.

The applicant should not be married to a non-Saudi man.

To have a certificate of good conduct and behavior.

The applicant’s height must be commensurate with her weight, and her height should not be less than 106 cm.

– She should not have been previously sentenced to any judgments that violate honor and honesty.

Obtaining a qualification with a good grade, recognized by the Saudi Ministry of Education.

She must not have been previously expelled from a military college or institute.

The applicant must have a valid national identity card.

The applicant must pass the tests and interviews provided by the civil status for admission.

She must have a bachelor’s degree in one of the required disciplines.

The height and weight must comply with the required health standards.

Documents required for application

Bring a copy of your ID card.

Having a CV.

Determine the national address of the applicant.

Bring a copy of your academic qualification.

Submit all required papers and documents.

Ranks and academic qualifications

Women are appointed to the rank of “soldier”.

Applicants for the rank of “First Soldier” are required to have a high school diploma and a diploma for one year.

The rank of an ordinary soldier requires only a high school diploma.

How to apply for jobs

– Login to the platformgood news“For employment.

Click on the Employment tab

Determine the available jobs.

– Click on the status procedures.

Click to agree to all terms.

Write down all the required information and make sure that it is written correctly and accurately.

Click on the OK tab, and a page will appear with all the information about the applicant.

– Click on the next page, you will find the wishes.

Write all data related to academic qualifications and courses taken.

– Verify that the entered data is correct.

The order number will appear to you, and all you have to do is print it.

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