Constantly feeling cold.. 9 worrying reasons

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Sometimes feeling too cold is nothing to worry about, says American osteopath Peter Bede, but if this starts to affect your daily life, leaving you shivering at your desk or sleeping with an extra blanket in hot weather, it may not be normal.

And if there are other symptoms accompanying the feeling of cold, such as tingling in the hands and feet, going to the toilet frequently, or weight gain, this may mean that there are worrisome reasons, according to the newspaper. "China" British.

And if you have a cold all the time and are tired, dizzy, or have other unusual symptoms, it’s worth seeing a doctor.

Here are some reasons why you should talk to your doctor:

Thyroid problem

It is a gland located in the neck that produces hormones that affect heart rate and body temperature, among many other regulatory body functions.

And when you are Thyroid Inactive, and not producing enough key hormones, it can make you sensitive to the cold, and other symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, muscle aches, dry skin and brittle nails.

The NHS says: "Symptoms of an underactive thyroid are often similar to those of other conditions, and they usually develop slowly, so you may not notice them for years. You should see a GP and ask for a test for hypothyroidism if you have symptoms".

Iron deficiency

We get iron from our diet, in foods like Meat and vegetables With dark leaves and legumes, when someone is deficient in iron, they may suffer from iron deficiency anemia, which is when your body cannot produce enough healthy red blood cells.

This may cause cold hands and feet, but the most obvious signs are shortness of breath and fatigue, and also include pale skin, weakness and heart palpitations.


There are some medicines that slow down heart rate To prevent it from pumping too hard and interacting with adrenaline And other stress hormones, they can make you feel cold as well as dizzy, tired and nauseous.

healthto heart

Cold feet may be a sign of a serious, overlooked condition called peripheral artery disease, which occurs when fatty deposits in the arteries restrict blood flow to the legs.

The lack of blood access to the extremities is one of the most complications of arterial disease Peripheral risk, where there is an acute shortage of blood in the legs and they are at risk of developing gangrene.


It may take a diagnosis diabetes Some time if you are not aware of the symptoms, or if the latter are subtle, the main symptoms include frequent going to the toilet, extreme thirst and exhaustion.

Feeling cold is also a rare sign of the condition, with type 2 diabetes being the most common.

When you have diabetes, it can affect your kidneys, circulatory system, and things like these lines, which could be why you feel cold.

Kidney problems can lead to anemia associated with cold sensitivity, and diabetes can cause nerve damage, resulting in cold feet.

weight loss

If you have less fat, either naturally due to weight loss or a medical condition, you may feel colder. A person with a BMI of less than 18.5 is considered underweight.

Experts warn that sometimes, a person who complains of a cold may have an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia.

Raynaud’s disease

Some people have a severe cold-weather response due to Raynaud’s disease, which causes the small arteries in the fingers to narrow and restrict blood flow.

People with this disease will notice that their skin color becomes paler, usually on the fingers and toes, but sometimes also in the nose, lips, ears and nipples, but the skin color returns to normal once it becomes warm.

The NHS says there are things that can help you with Raynaud’s, including relaxing during the winter, exercising (to improve blood circulation) and eating a balanced diet.

panic attack

Some people may not realize they have had a panic attack until the milder ones, resulting in shortness of breath, a racing heart, sweating, tremors, and dizziness.

One of the less common symptoms of panic attacks is feeling cold.

Sometimes, people who suffer from panic attacks have this sense of impending doom because their heart is not beating efficiently, and in its attempt to self-preserve, the body will direct blood to those major organs at the expense of the peripheral areas of the body, and this is where people feel Sometimes with a kind of trembling.


If you’ve ever wondered why your grandmother is always hot, it might be because her age is making her colder.

As we age, the fatty tissue under the skin weakens and blood vessels are less flexible, which slows blood flow throughout the body and some core body temperatures tend to fall slowly.

And while cold sensitivity increases as we age, it shouldn’t always be ignored as usual, as conditions like diabetes, peripheral arterial disease and kidney disease — all of which can affect older adults — can restrict blood flow and lower body temperature.


Sometimes feeling too cold is nothing to worry about, says American osteopath Peter Bede, but if this starts to affect your daily life, leaving you shivering at your desk or sleeping with an extra blanket in hot weather, it may not be normal.

And if there are other symptoms accompanying the feeling of cold, such as tingling in the hands and feet, going to the toilet frequently, or weight gain, this may mean that there are worrisome reasons, according to the British newspaper, “The Sun.”

And if you have a cold all the time and are tired, dizzy, or have other unusual symptoms, it’s worth seeing a doctor.

Here are some reasons why you should talk to your doctor:

Thyroid problem

It is a gland located in the neck that produces hormones that affect heart rate and body temperature, among many other regulatory body functions.

And when you are Thyroid Inactive, and not producing enough key hormones, it can make you sensitive to the cold, and other symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, muscle aches, dry skin and brittle nails.

The NHS says: “The symptoms of hypothyroidism are often similar to those of other conditions and usually develop slowly, so you may not notice them for years. You should see a GP and ask for a test for hypothyroidism if you have symptoms.”

Iron deficiency

We get iron from our diet, in foods like Meat and vegetables With dark leaves and legumes, when someone is deficient in iron, they may suffer from iron deficiency anemia, which is when your body cannot produce enough healthy red blood cells.

This may cause cold hands and feet, but the most obvious signs are shortness of breath and fatigue, and also include pale skin, weakness and heart palpitations.


There are some medicines that slow down heart rate To prevent it from pumping too hard and interacting with adrenaline And other stress hormones, they can make you feel cold as well as dizzy, tired and nauseous.

healthto heart

Cold feet may be a sign of a serious, overlooked condition called peripheral artery disease, which occurs when fatty deposits in the arteries restrict blood flow to the legs.

The lack of blood access to the extremities is one of the most Complications of arteriosclerosis Peripheral risk, where there is an acute shortage of blood in the legs and they are at risk of developing gangrene.


It may take a diagnosis diabetes Some time if you are not aware of the symptoms, or if the latter are subtle, the main symptoms include frequent going to the toilet, extreme thirst and exhaustion.

Feeling cold is also a rare sign of the condition, with type 2 diabetes being the most common.

When you have diabetes, it can affect your kidneys, circulatory system, and things like these lines, which could be why you feel cold.

Kidney problems can lead to anemia associated with cold sensitivity, and diabetes can cause nerve damage, resulting in cold feet.

weight loss

If you have less fat, either naturally due to weight loss or a medical condition, you may feel colder. A person with a BMI of less than 18.5 is considered underweight.

Experts warn that sometimes, a person who complains of a cold may have an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia.

Raynaud’s disease

Some people have a severe cold-weather response due to Raynaud’s disease, which causes the small arteries in the fingers to narrow and restrict blood flow.

People with this disease will notice that their skin color becomes paler, usually on the fingers and toes, but sometimes also in the nose, lips, ears and nipples, but the skin color returns to normal once it becomes warm.

The NHS says there are things that can help you with Raynaud’s, including relaxing during the winter, exercising (to improve blood circulation) and eating a balanced diet.

panic attack

Some people may not realize they have had a panic attack until the milder ones, resulting in shortness of breath, a racing heart, sweating, tremors, and dizziness.

One of the less common symptoms of panic attacks is feeling cold.

Sometimes, people who suffer from panic attacks have this sense of impending doom because their heart is not beating efficiently, and in its attempt to self-preserve, the body will direct blood to those major organs at the expense of the peripheral areas of the body, and this is where people feel Sometimes with a kind of trembling.


If you’ve ever wondered why your grandmother is always hot, it might be because her age is making her colder.

As we age, the fatty tissue under the skin weakens and blood vessels are less flexible, which slows blood flow throughout the body and some core body temperatures tend to fall slowly.

And while cold sensitivity increases as we age, it shouldn’t always be ignored as usual, as conditions like diabetes, peripheral arterial disease and kidney disease — all of which can affect older adults — can restrict blood flow and lower body temperature.

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