Crazy Orangutan? Bad hands for female tourists – Maeil Business News

picture explanation[사진 제공 = 뉴욕포스트 캡처]

A video has been released of an orangutan at a zoo in Thailand sneaking up to a female tourist taking a commemorative photo, grabbing her breast and kissing her.

According to a video released by the New York Post on the 1st (local time), a female tourist who visited Safari World in Bangkok, Thailand at the end of last month sat on a swing to take a commemorative photo with an orangutan.

Suddenly, an orangutan came up behind the woman, touched her breast, and kissed her in the face.

As they do this, the orangutan is smiling with all its teeth exposed.

The woman continues to laugh as if she is embarrassed.

The video was spread through social networking services (SNS), etc.

On the other hand, orangutans are primates that are biologically very similar to humans, and their DNA is 97% identical to humans. Humans and chimpanzees have 99% DNA identical.

[전종헌 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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