Depression appears in adolescence!Study: Childhood ‘These’ Problems May Affect Mental Health in Adulthood

Research shows that children with problems concentrating, having poor memory or lacking inhibitions may develop mental health conditions in adolescence and adulthood; pictured in context. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Some people’s mental health problems may be related to childhood development. According to foreign media “Science DailyChildren with cognitive problems, such as poor concentration, poor memory or lack of inhibition, may experience mental health problems in adolescence and adulthood, new research shows.

This study was conducted by the UKUniversity of BirminghamLed and published in JAMA Network Open. In total, the research team analysed 13,988 children born in the UK between April 1991 and December 1992. Studies have found that problems with concentration, memory, or inhibition in children are associated with a number of mental health conditions in later life:

Please read on…

●Borderline personality disorder at age 11 and 12 and depressive symptoms at age 17 and 18 were associated with attention deficit in children at age 8.

●Mental illness at the age of 17 and 18 is related to the inhibition difficulties in childhood at the age of 8.

● Hypomanic symptoms at age 22 and 23 were associated with memory impairment in childhood at age 10.

Isabel Morales-Muñoz, PhD, from the University of Birmingham’s Institute of Mental Health, said the study confirms that cognitive deficits in children do have a large impact on the potential impact on young people’s minds.

Mental disorders pose a significant global burden of disease, with at least 10% of children and adolescents worldwide suffering from mental illness, the team said. And 75% of psychiatric disorders diagnosed in adults develop symptoms during childhood and adolescence.

The research team believes that affective disorders, depressive symptoms and psychosis usually appear in adolescence and persist in adolescence, and these psychological conditions may be related to social, biological or environmental factors, and also contribute to abnormal development in adolescents.

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