Diabetes, how to get better without medicine (中) |

news/photo/202302/76363_17750_3445.jpg?resize=500%2C334&ssl=1" alt="◆생채소즙 절식 요법을 1~2주 동안 실천함으로써 당뇨병을 치유할 수 있다./*출처=셔터스톡" width="500" height="334" layout="responsive" class="amp_f_img" data-recalc-dims="1"/>
◆ You can cure diabetes by practicing raw vegetable juice abstinence therapy for 1 to 2 weeks./*Source = Shutterstock

Dr. Jeon Hong-joon, a master of natural healing medicine, said that ‘diabetes, a national disease, is a disease that can be sufficiently cured without medicine’. In this article, we introduce a specific 3-step method to cure diabetes without taking medicine. <2단계: 약 1~2주 동안 생채소즙 절식요법을 실천>specify in detail

◆Step 2 of Diabetes Healing Method: Practicing abstaining from raw vegetable juice for about 1-2 weeks

Fasting is a way to stop eating your usual meals and consume only raw vegetable juice, roasted brown rice tea, ginger or persimmon leaf tea, bamboo salt, and warm water.

When we fast, our body supports the body with nutrients accumulated in the body. As the calorie supply decreases, the body decomposes and burns many impurities such as excess nutrients, intermediate metabolites, waste products, various toxic substances, and aged tissues or cells and uses them as calories.

While fasting cleans the body of debris, the creation and development of new and healthy cells necessary for our body are rapidly promoted. Here’s how to fast for 7 days:

1. Practice Preparation 1 for 1 day.

For breakfast, drink raw vegetable juice, roasted brown rice, and carrot-apple juice.

For lunch and dinner, eat roasted grains or brown rice porridge, soup, herbs, shredded raw vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

Snacks include roasted brown rice, raw vegetable juice, carrot and apple juice, ginger tea, fruit, and nuts.

2. Practice Preparation 2 for one day.

For breakfast, I drink raw vegetable juice, roasted brown rice, and carrot-apple juice.

For lunch and dinner, eat roasted grains or brown rice mixed grains, clear miso soup or cheonggukjang, and soft vegetables (pumpkin, radish, cucumber, etc.).

For snacks, eat raw vegetable juice, carrot-apple juice, and roasted brown rice.

3. Practice fasting for 3 days.

During the three-day fasting period, drink roasted brown rice and raw vegetable juice from time to time.

4. Practice Mieum recovery ceremony for one day.

In the morning, I drink raw vegetable juice, roasted brown rice, and carrot-apple juice.

For lunch and dinner, I eat stir-fried grains or brown rice mixed grain rice, clear miso soup or cheonggukjang, and soft vegetables (pumpkin, radish, cucumber, etc.).
For snacks, drink roasted brown rice, raw vegetable juice, carrot and apple juice, and ginger tea.

5. Practice the porridge recovery ceremony for one day.

For breakfast, I drink raw vegetable juice, roasted brown rice, and carrot-apple juice.

For lunch and dinner, eat roasted grains or brown rice porridge, soup, herbs, shredded raw vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

Snacks include roasted brown rice, raw vegetable juice, carrot and apple juice, ginger tea, fruit, and nuts.


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