Did a Ukrainian really set fire to a DNA testing center in the US because he was dissatisfied with his test results?

We are pro-Russian on the “Telegram” channel Ukraina.ru distributed purportedly an Al Jazeera TV story about a Ukrainian man who is said to be disappointed that only 10 percent is running through his veins. Ukrainian blood.

“A refugee from Ukraine set fire to a DNA testing facility in California after learning he was less than 10 percent. ukrainian An investigation revealed that he was predominantly Polish with an equal percentage of Ukrainian and Russian blood.

The refugee Oleksijs Šinkarenka demanded a refund because he was convinced that the results were wrong. The lab didn’t return the money, so he decided to take revenge on the geneticists by arson.”– asserted in a message distributed on the Telegram channel.

Later, this message was reproduced in some Russian languages in the media.

Blood shows the roots

Melagiena tells about inexpensive DNA tests, which have recently become very popular all over the world.

With the advent of low-cost genetic sequencing, everyone can learn about their distant history and ancestry.

This study is not carried out in a laboratory, but remotely. After ordering a test kit, a package containing all the tools needed to collect DNA material arrives at the customer’s mail.

After you send in a sample of your saliva, it is cleaned in a lab, the DNA is purified, then thousands of precise segments of it are magnified and read.

A digital file with the genetic map is then created, and the data is uploaded to a database of all other human segments and compared with that of all other paying customers.

Thus, the person who wants to be tested does not need to physically come to the laboratory to perform the test.

A set of fakes

Although the video circulating online mimics Al Jazeera’s video design and is distributed with its logo, the Qatari broadcaster’s official on the website is there a story like this on social media accounts.

After performing a photo search of an alleged Ukrainian, reverse image search engines find that it is actually a politician from Belfast, Northern Ireland. Gerry Carrollas.

The alleged images of the laboratory arson are actually “borrowed” from another incident in which a prison waiting room was set on fire. The incident happened in 2023 in June in the state of Indiana (USA), and refugees from Ukraine also have nothing to do with this event.

PAGD photo/Associative photo.

15min verdict: lie. Al Jazeera never aired such a plot, and the alleged Ukrainian is a fictional character.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metawhich aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.

#Ukrainian #set #fire #DNA #testing #center #dissatisfied #test #results
2024-08-14 04:32:06



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