Whether for an emergency, a trip or a special celebration, there are many reasons why you want to request a loan. If you plan to acquire one, the first great fear that it will not be accepted is because you are in Credit bureauor have no credit history.
If this is your case, there are other ways to take out a loan, but keep in mind that most options will require you to pay a higher interest rate. Well, these credits are of greater risk for financial companies. Next, we tell you what other alternative you have when you are in a credit bureau or do not have a history in it.
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Can you receive a loan without or with a bad history in the Credit Bureau?
If you are looking for a bank loan, the bad news is that they do not give loans to people with no or bad credit history. But they are not your only option, since the different Fintechs cover the needs of many users who cannot acquire money with a traditional financial institution.
This is sometimes the only option for many workers who have a bad credit history, and at the same time it is counterproductive because these loans are usually much more expensive to pay back, with a higher interest rate to settle due to the risk they run in their transactions. .
If, on the other hand, you do not yet have a credit history, you can build one with department store cards, which, used in a good way, will give you more opportunities to get a loan for your car or even have a mortgage loan.
Reasons why you can appear in the Credit Bureau
Being in the bureau is not always a bad thing, because everyone who has had a cell phone plan, departmental card is on the record. As with car and bank loans. Many institutions, in fact, ask that you have a record to analyze your payment habits.
The problem is when there is no punctuality when paying, or has stopped liquidating credits no matter how small they may be, because the higher the rating, the more financing opportunities you have at your fingertips.
For more information on this and other topics, you can visit our section on credits.