Easy tricks to beat insomnia and fall asleep quickly

Insomnia short term"what’s going on "Long-term insomnia" or "Chronic insomnia" When it is difficult for him to sleep for a month or more.

According to the website, "US News" American, it is not recommended to try drugs sleep As a first step to combat insomnia, he pointed out that some techniques and easy solutions should be used to help you fall asleep faster.

The source explained that the exercises Meditation Can be helpful, adding: "This may work if you do this type of exercise".

Experts say meditation exercises help reduce worry And stress, noting that getting used to it continuously gives a person a sense of relaxation and the ability to fall asleep quickly.

In the event that meditation does not help, then deep breathing techniques can be resorted to, which are shown to reduce Stress significantly.

وقال "US News" He can try a technique "4-7-8"That is, taking a deep breath for 4 seconds, then holding your breath for 7 seconds, and then you can breathing Slowly, counting from one to eight, indicating that repeating these steps will make you more comfortable.

Doctors also always advise to stick to what they describe as"Sleep etiquette"These include going to bed at a specific time every day, avoiding daytime naps, and avoiding daytime naps Caffeine Late in the day, besides keep away from the lights in your bedroom.


Sometimes, it is difficult for a person to sleep for two days because of an event that disturbs his mind, which is calledInsomnia Short-term”, while “long-term insomnia” or “chronic insomnia” occurs when it is difficult for him to sleep for a month or more.

And according to the American “US News” website, it is not recommended to try medications sleep As a first step to combat insomnia, he pointed out that some techniques and easy solutions should be used to help you fall asleep faster.

The source explained that the exercises Meditation It can be helpful, adding: “It might work if you do this kind of exercise.”

Experts say meditation exercises help reduce worry And stress, noting that getting used to it continuously gives a person a sense of relaxation and the ability to fall asleep quickly.

In the event that meditation does not help, then deep breathing techniques can be resorted to, which are shown to reduce Stress significantly.

And “US News” said that the “4-7-8” technique can be tried, that is, taking a deep breath for 4 seconds, then holding the breath for 7 seconds, and then you can breathing Slowly, counting from one to eight, indicating that repeating these steps will make you more comfortable.

Doctors also always advise to adhere to what they describe as “sleep etiquette”, which includes going to bed daily at a specific time, avoiding naps during the day, and avoiding naps during the day. Caffeine Late in the day, besides keep away from the lights in your bedroom.

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