“Effective Joint Care: Top Supplements and Tips for Runners”

2023-06-01 00:55:02

modern life

With the intake of certain food supplements, people can ensure the well-being of the joints.


Active running causes a great impact on the joints. The cartilage area is usually one of the most affected, so it is important that people exercise regularly.

Some recommendations from the portal sport.es to take care of the joints during the practice of running son:

1. Strengthen the muscles that surround the joints: this will help them better withstand the impact and prevent injuries.

2. Warm up and stretch before and after exercise: this will help prepare the muscles and joints for the effort and prevent stiffness and pain afterwards.

3. Wear appropriate footwear: it is important to choose footwear that has good cushioning and support to reduce the impact on the joints.

4. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of the exercise: it is important not to overdo it too quickly to allow the body to adjust to the effort and avoid injury.

5. Rest and recover: It is important to allow the body to recover properly after exercise to avoid overuse injuries.

What are the best joint supplements?

Consuming some supplements is part of the effective methods to care for the joints. According to the blog farmaciavieitez.com, “With the intake of certain food supplements, people can ensure the well-being of this area of ​​the body.”

One of the most effective methods that exists to care for our joints effectively is supplementation. Thanks to the intake of certain food supplements we can ensure the well-being of this area of ​​our body.

It is a supplement that has triumphed in the sports world. The truth is that its success is not surprising, since it promotes joint health and strengthens bones in an optimal way. Its intake is recommended for people suffering from degenerative diseases. In addition, collagen also helps reduce inflammation and alleviate pain after intense exercise.

It is one of the nutrients involved in the production of collagen. It lubricates the joints and acts as a cushioning element. It is often used as a treatment for people with arthritis.

It is a very important mineral for athletes. Among its functions, it facilitates the assimilation of calcium and helps improve the absorption of other nutrients. It stimulates the creation of bone, and also participates in the activities of vitamin D.

It has a powerful anti-inflammatory, regenerative and analgesic action. It is also useful as a treatment for rheumatic diseases.

It is a fatty acid that helps relieve inflammation that occurs around the joints. You can find a large number of foods rich in omega-3, such as oily fish, walnuts, flax seeds; however, its consumption through supplements guarantees to provide the body with the exact amount it requires.

Its effects are highly beneficial for joint health. Helps reduce the symptoms of cartilage wear, and has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is also involved in the assimilation of collagen and has become a very effective treatment to accelerate the recovery of certain injuries related to joints, tendons and ligaments.

Our body has the ability to produce glucosamine naturally. Even so, over the years this capacity decreases and we are forced to resort to other sources such as supplementation. Its main mission is to protect the bone in the joints, and it stimulates the regeneration of cartilage.

In addition, many of these supplements prevent inflammation, reduce pain, and are very effective as a treatment for certain injuries. If the person is a runner, be it mountain or asphalt, he should not forget to pay attention to the care of the joints.

#strengthen #muscles #joints

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