“Effects of Climate Crisis on Human Migration Patterns and Health Risks – Findings from University College London Study”

2023-05-29 19:26:33

It is likely that the increase in temperatures due to the climate crisis influences human migration patternsconcludes a study by University College London published in PLOS Climate.

In the last decade, heat waves were frequent and surface temperatures were the warmest ever recorded. As the planet warms, many people are expected to leave their homes to escape the extreme temperatures. However, the exact role of heat in human migrations is not yet known.

To clarify this relationship, the team led by Rita Issa conducted a review of research papers, annual reports, working papers, government documents, and scientific literature that examined the impact of heat on human migration or the heat experienced by migrants. throughout your journey.

The vast majority of the 18 studies that evaluated the effects of heat on migrants while traveling reported negative health repercussions, such as heat-related illnesses, heat stress and premature death.

The research also indicates that people suffered more from the consequences of heat when they lived in regions with poor infrastructure, or had insufficient adaptations in the workplace, a low educational level and socioeconomic status.

The findings of the new study suggest that heat likely influences patterns of human Migration, including when people move, the risks they face along the way, and the heat they may experience once they settle.

However, the fact that only half of the included studies found a correlation between heat and migration suggests that heat is not the only factor driving migration.

The researchers note that there are no studies indicating a “temperature threshold” from which people migrate safely.

Instead, they propose the development of accepted ways of comparing temperature measurements, the effects of heat, and the effects of heat. environmental factors causing migration, which, in his opinion, would support future efforts to study climate migrants and enact policies that protect them from harm.

“Migration is a valid adaptive response to extreme heat they add. Part of the reason there is no set temperature at which people will migrate is to institute adaptive measures that limit the consequences of extreme heat, as we see in places like the UEA where air conditioning is widely used. However, often the poorest and most marginalized remain vulnerable to extreme temperatures, including migrants.

These conclusions offer a double opportunity for action, as they point out: “a decisive policy to limit global warming in an upward direction, through the reduction of carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases; and adaptive strategies that take human vulnerability into account—including urban planning, occupational adaptations, home modification, and more—to help lessen the impacts of heat on human health, well-being, and productivity.”

It is noteworthy that the global warming risks continue to be a constant concern for scientists, environmentalists, who do not stop studying and investigating the problem, and also for the community in general.

The end of the world would happen soon, Isaac Newton’s disturbing prediction about the Earth

Sir Isaac Newtonthe revered English physicist, theologian, inventor, alchemist and mathematician, predicted that in 2060 it will all be over.

It should be noted that, among scientific findings of his brilliant mind are the discovery considered the start of spectroscopy, in which a color spectrum, observed when white light passes through a prism, is inherent in that light, rather than coming from the prism.

considered as the greatest scientist of all time, Sir Newton He was the first to show that the natural laws that govern movement on Earth and those that govern the movement of celestial bodies are the same.

Isaac Newton and his prediction of the end of the world

Through his knowledge of biblical texts and different mathematical formulas, Isaac Newton he wrote in some texts, which are still preserved on paper, in which he recorded the year in which the world would end.

Also, in his writings it was stated “and the days in which the beasts that have lived their short lives meet the long years of the kingdoms, in the period of 1260 days, if it dates from the complete conquest of the three kings, 800 BC, it will all end in 2060″.

These writings were salvaged from his study, but were never intended for public access, as Newton was always cautious with his writing. Despite so many conjectures that arose from his knowledge, his intention was never for his opinions to be taken as dogmas, and he did not intend in any way to attack the faith.

His prediction did not mention it in order to confirm when it would be the End of the world, but to put an end to reckless assumptions of fanciful men who often herald the end, and in doing so discredit the sacred prophecies as often as their predictions fail. “Christ comes as a thief in the night, and it is not for us to know the times and seasons that God has put in his will.”

The terrifying drawing of Nostradamus that has the world trembling, are fateful events coming?

Despite the fact that this man lived in the 16th century, his predictions still give rise to the skin of those who follow and believe in his legacy. For example, there are records of an impressive watercolor drawing made by Nostradamus himself that could hold the key to the harsh events that are coming to the world.

The starting point of these events would be 2026, the year in which the first eclipse of five will take place. The first will be presented on August 12, 2026 and would have similar characteristics to the one that occurred in the year 666 AD. a date that has been given an apocalyptic context.

In addition, this series of events that would begin to occur from 2026 would be related to the drawing made by Nostradamus, which is considered a clear apocalyptic prediction.

In the drawing you can see a medal hanging from a wheel (distinguished as the wheel of life), this wheel has seven rays, which represents, according to Caesarem, the “seven lights”. On the medal there are three suns and three moons, which would refer to eclipses.

Also, at the bottom of the drawing, Nostradamus made a scorpion, symbol of the existence of the human race.

The three eclipses would be those that will take place in 2026, 2027 and 2028. According to Caesarem, one of the fateful events that can occur after the first eclipse is a supposed intercontinental reconquest that would begin from Arab territory to Europe.

The fearful prediction of Stephen Hawking sabout technology and the end of humanity

When talking about science, technology and evolution in today’s world, without a doubt one of the great historical references, if not the greatest, that predominates is the name of Stephen Hawking, who is considered the disseminator who showed advances since physics and contributed to scientific knowledge.

Now, and without a doubt, the legacy of Hawking, who left this world on March 14, 2018, in terms of theoretical and relativistic argumentation still present in today’s society. Especially taking into account that the facts that humanity is currently experiencing, such as the appearance of the new coronavirus and the conflict that has the world in suspense due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, were predicted by the deceased physicist.

In this same sense, and according to data shared by the Fayerwayer web portal, the extreme ideas of the physicist were not the product of his imagination; quite the contrary, these ideas and the projections he had were the result of his great analysis of human beings and his relationship with nature.

“As citizens of the world, we have a duty to alert the public to the unnecessary risks with which we live every day and to the dangers that portend if governments and societies do not act now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and prevent further climate change. ”, he indicated.

In addition, At that time, there was much talk about the arrival of the end of the world and about this the astrophysicist made several predictions. Therefore, Hawking narrated the arrival of a pandemic that was warned by him in a statement in 2001.

“In the long term, I am more concerned with biology. Nuclear weapons need large facilities, but genetic engineering can be done in a small laboratory. You can’t regulate every lab in the world. The danger is that, by accident or by design, we create a virus that destroys us,” Hawking said at the time.

*With information from Europa Press.

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