“End of Regulated Gas Sales Tariffs in France: What You Need to Know for July 1, 2023”

2023-05-24 16:47:00

The end of regulated gas sales tariffs will take effect on July 1, 2023. Some 2.6 million customers are affected.

This is a measure in the boxes of the energy-climate law since 2019, now the deadline is approaching. On June 30, 2023, the approximately 2.6 million French customers who have a contract whose gas sale price is regulated will have to switch to a market offer on July 1. Here’s what you need to know.

Why this change?

French law had to come into line with European law, following a decision by the Council of State in 2017. Since 1999, regulated gas sales tariffs (TRV), offered almost exclusively by Engie, coexist with offers freely set by other suppliers, often more competitive than the incumbent supplier.

This change aims to bring all suppliers into compliance by placing them at the same level. From now on, with the end of regulated tariffs, set by the State every year, the offers will all be “market”.

What consequences?

Individual customers still under a TRV contract will have to switch to a market offer on July 1. However, do not panic if the change is not effective by this date. The contract will automatically switch to a “gateway” offer while choosing a new supplier. No steps need to be taken.

But concretely, what will change for individuals ? The objective of the measure is supposed to end the monopoly of Engie (formerly GDF Suez). By the end of the TRV, customers will now be able to compete by soliciting different suppliers. On average, the bill drops by around -10%.

“The end of regulated tariffs should promote the development of more competitive market offers, and therefore contribute to lowering prices, but also more diverse offers and with better quality of service”, promises the government.

How to choose the right new offer and when?

Do not panic. If the date of July 1 may seem close, it does not oblige individuals to change their contract by then. Better, no cut will be effective if the customers have not made a change. Engie has indeed provided for this scenario by proposing a “gateway” offer in which customers will switch automatically.

“If some of them had not done the necessary in time, they will automatically switch to the Gateway offer”, explains Florence Fouquet, director of individual markets at Engie at Parisian.

No need to rush to change your offer by then. On the contrary, it is better to take your time to compare prices. First using the energy Ombudsman’s offer comparator, a service specially designed for the occasion. But also, and above all, while waiting for the first publication of a “reference tariff”, a sort of price compass on the gas market. According to the president of the energy regulation commission, the former Minister of Housing Emmanuelle Wargon, the first indicator scheduled for July will resume “95%” of the calculation of the TRV.

However, it is impossible to say whether the new calculation method will be more or less advantageous. The evolution of prices on the market will strongly depend on the international and geopolitical context.

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