EU continues to aim for Russia’s oil embargo agreement in May = diplomatic sources | Reuters

The European Union (EU) continues to aim to agree on a gradual embargo on Russian oil later this month. Taken in March 2019 (2022 / Yves Herman / File Photo)

[Brussels, 13th]-The European Union (EU) continues to aim to agree on a gradual embargo on Russian oil later this month. Four diplomats and officials said yesterday. Despite supply concerns in eastern Europe, he denied embargoing the embargo and compromising the proposal.

The European Commission, the EU’s executive body, proposed an embargo in early May, but the biggest obstacle is that Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia are dependent on Russian oil.

Commission President Von der Leyen is having a hard time convincing Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the biggest critic of the embargo. However, diplomats and officials were optimistic about the agreement.

“We will reach an agreement,” said one EU official, noting that the proposed transitions are flexible as countries that depend on Russian oil need to find other sources.

A second diplomatic source said it could reach an agreement at the EU Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Brussels on the 16th at the earliest, after professional consultations scheduled for the weekend.

“This will be decided by the leaders of the Hungarian government and the European Commission. I’m optimistic,” said a third diplomatic source, who could agree within the week.

Hungary, like Slovakia, has already been granted a grace period until the end of 2024, while most EU member states need to ban Russian oil imports altogether by the end of the year. The Czech Republic is granted a grace period of up to the middle of 24 years.

In addition to the embargo on Russian oil, Russians close to President Putin are expected to be subject to sanctions in the sixth additional sanctions against Russia.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Kleba is expected to ask EU Foreign Ministers to strengthen economic sanctions on Russia and to increase weapons and financial support for their country on the 16th.

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