Experts – on the pearls of job interviews: flirting, nudity, vomiting cats and help from wives | Business

The other half or mother is also in the conversation

Henrika Bivainienė, the managing partner of the personnel selection and human resources solutions company “Amston”, noticed that curious situations increased during and after the pandemic, when a large part of job interviews are conducted remotely.

There are many cases when candidates’ phones are knocked out of their hands and broken, chairs are broken, paintings hanging behind them fall.

It is not uncommon for a job interview to be interrupted or interrupted by unexpected guests: candidates’ second halves, young children, pets. Sometimes the candidate even presents a cat walking on the keyboard or a curled-up dog on his lap to the employers.

“It happens that a candidate’s cat vomits during a job interview or a child suddenly runs up and makes strange comments. “It’s not interesting here” is really a remark made by a child”, – 15min mentioned Ingrida Juknevičiūtė-Lukašonok, executive director of the personnel search and selection company “Emplonet”.

And now, the other parties who entered the room even take action.

“It begins to praise candidates to their future employers.

True, we have encountered a situation where the candidate simply brought his wife to the interview.

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2024-08-12 13:51:46



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