Fasting Can Reverse Diabetes But One More Thing | Fat | Calories | Low Calories

Nearly 500 million adults currently suffer fromdiabetes, is expected to increase by another 50% in the next generation.If a diabeticfastingWhat will be the effect?

whydiabetesDo people want to live like “saints”?

More than a century ago, there wasfastingDiabetes cure claims say that fasting stops the development of diabetes quickly and can make all symptoms disappear completely within a few days or weeks. If the fast is maintained long enough, the symptoms will definitely disappear completely. But the question is, once you start eating again, diabetes often makes a quick comeback, so what’s the point of fasting? Does a healthier daily diet work? Let’s look at the explanation of the scientific experiment.

Type 2 diabetes has long been considered a disease caused by overeating, a disease of wealth. It means the disease of people who don’t exercise very much and who have enough income to overeat. In this way, diabetes is actually preventable, so diabetes may also be cured.

If we’re going to die from overeating, maybe we can save ourselves by cutting back on our food intake.

There is a story worth thinking about, and advice was given in Ayurvedic texts as early as about 2000 years ago. Diabetics are encouraged to live like saints, walking 800 to 900 miles ascetic, digging a pond, or just living off cow dung and urine.

This reminds me of the Rollo diet for diabetes proposed by Scottish military surgeon John Rollo in 1797, a recipe that incorporates rancid meat. Add to this the ipecacine drug that can cause severe discomfort and vomiting. Anything that can cause disease will cause a person to reduce food intake because of the discomfort it brings, and a reduced diet can give temporary relief from diabetes – Rollo meal plan includes, blood tofu (such as pig blood) for lunch, dinner Eating spoiled meat would definitely do the trick.

Diabetics experienced similar benefits during the siege of Paris during the Franco-Prussian War, leading to advice to “eat as little as possible”. This method was also formally incorporated into Allen’s starvation treatment regimen, which was considered the greatest medical advance in the history of diabetes treatment before insulin was discovered. Before the advent of insulin, it was the era of Allen’s therapy.

At the time, Allen noticed that in clinical literature reports of wasting diseases such as tuberculosis were accidentally cured of severe diabetes. So, he decided to do an experiment to try it out. He found that even in the most severe diabetic patients, the sugar in the urine was cleared within 10 days.

Of course, this is the easy part of the experiment – once the subject starts eating again, to maintain the effect, two principles need to be adhered to: maintain a lower weight, limitFatintake. Severe diabetic patients may be symptom-free for days or weeks, but symptoms relapse quickly once subjects ingest some butter or olive oil.

Reversible in patients with 10-year history of 8-week low-calorie diet

diabetes is aFatToxic disease. If fat is injected intravenously into a person’s veins and observed on an MRI scan, the dynamic accumulation of fat in muscle cells can be seen over a period of hours, which is accompanied by an increase in insulin resistance.

The same phenomenon occurred when subjects were on a high-fat diet for three days, with even just one meal increasing insulin resistance within six hours. A sudden increase in dietary fat can cause a rapid increase in insulin resistance.

Why should we pay attention to this phenomenon?BecauseCaloriesIn excess, insulin resistance in our muscles can lead to a buildup of fat in the liver, which in turn leads to a buildup of fat in the pancreas, which can eventually lead to diabetes. It is now recognized that type 2 diabetes can be understood as a state of excess fat in the liver and pancreas, which is reversible in most patients within 10 years of onset.

If people can maintain a low-calorie diet, 700 per day Calories, the fat in your muscle cells can be consumed, and your insulin sensitivity will increase accordingly. Then the fat in your liver is also consumed, if you stick with it, the fat in your pancreas is also consumed, and if you start doing this early enough, your type 2 diabetes can be reversed, which means eating normally The sugar content will also be normal.

The study, published in Diabetic Medicine, showed that 8 weeks ofLow caloriesAfter diet, nearly 90% of patients with type 2 diabetes with a history of less than 4 years had symptom remission, and 50% of patients with a history of more than 8 years (an average of 13 years) achieved remission to non-diabetic fasting blood glucose levels.

Weight loss through diet is better than bariatric surgery, and those who lose weight through bariatric surgery, even if they lose more weight, only get 26% to 62% of the relief. So diet to lose weight is better than a knife in the hands of a surgeon. For people with an average 3-year history of diabetes, about 30 pounds must be lost, and symptoms are reversible in most people with type 2 diabetes. Therefore, under the guidance of a doctor, a long-term fasting plan can allow you to achieve your goals, but you must maintain your weight after weight loss. What we can be sure of is that if your weight comes back, so will your diabetes.

Let’s review the overall situation, we were ecstatic at the beginning of the discovery of the “greatest miracle of medicine” (ie, the discovery of insulin in 1921), but soon realized that insulin is actually a lifesaver for people with type 1 diabetes, using only insulin It is not enough to prevent the onset of complications such as kidney failure, blindness, stroke, and amputation that occur later in type 2 diabetes. So, as one of the most famous diabetes pioneers, Elliot Joslin, put it, as in the days before insulin, self-discipline in eating and exercising is at the heart of diabetes management.

About the author: Michael Greger, MD, is a clinician, New York Times bestselling author and professional speaker on important international public health issues, and an expert in nutrition and food safety research.

This article was originally published in NutritionFacts.orgreprinted and translated by the Chinese and English “The Epoch Times”. For the English report, please refer to:Fasting to Reverse Diabetes。◇

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Responsible editor: Li Fan

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