Fatigue and low white blood cells after chemotherapy

▲ Neutrophilia and fever require hospitalization; the picture is a situational photo, the people in the picture have nothing to do with this article. (Photo credit: shutterstock)

Text / Wu Mingjun

A 95-year-old man began to experience fatigue, loss of appetite, and a slight fever after his first prostate cancer chemotherapy a week ago; an outpatient examination found a temperature of 38 degrees, and the white blood cell count was normal a few months ago, but this time Blood results showed severe leukopenia and the diagnosis was “neutropenia with fever”.

Neutrophilic leukemia and fever are common emergencies in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. It can be seen that 7-10 days after chemotherapy, the number of white blood cells will drop to the lowest point, making the patient easy to get various infections, leading to sepsis and even death. Generally speaking, there is no obvious symptom. Symptoms, in addition to fever, there may be diarrhea, cough, lack of food, or fatigue, the diagnosis can only be confirmed through blood drawing, and blood, urine, stool, or sputum cultures are also required to identify potential infectious agents .

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Once neutropenia and fever are found, broad-spectrum antibiotics should be given to the hospital, vital signs should be strictly monitored, and a large number of drips should be given; Or cast leukopoietin, can shorten the course of the disease.

The old man recovered and was discharged from the hospital after receiving relevant treatment. He reminded the elders in the family who received chemotherapy to pay attention to their mental state and activity after chemotherapy.

After developing neutropenia and fever, it is possible to discuss future treatment expectations with the oncologist, to find out the most suitable treatment for the individual, to adjust the choice of drugs, and to avoid future chemotherapy complications.

(The author is the attending physician of the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatobiliary, Dongshi Farmers Hospital)

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