Fighting cancer with light – New approach presented – Heilpraxis

Photodynamic therapy expanded to treat cancer

At the so-called photodynamic therapy for treatment of Krebs With the help of light, active ingredients are targeted directly on the Tumor activated. So far, the method can only be used to a limited extent because the principle places high demands on an active ingredient. However, a Japanese research team has now succeeded breakthrough in this area.

A working group of Institute of Industrial Science an der University of Tokyo has a new photodynamic approach to the therapy of Krebs presented. The results of the study were recently published in the journal “Chemical Communications” presents.

What are photodynamic therapies?

Photodynamic therapy is currently only used for external tumors that have not penetrated the skin more than three millimeters. The treatment is considered to be relatively gentle, as healthy tissue is largely unaffected.

Acid environment prevents effectiveness

In an application against internal tumors, however, research groups encountered previously insurmountable hurdles, because potential active ingredients have to penetrate tissue red light be activated and on the other hand in one low-oxygen environment function that is typically present in tumors.

However, conventional photodynamic techniques have hitherto been limited to the formation reactive oxygen species instructed to destroy tumor cells. That low-oxygen environment of the cancer cells, however, counteracted the formation of such radicals.

Alkyl radicals are not dependent on oxygen

With the new method, the as Photo-uncaging-System is called, the researchers are tackling this problem by administering the active ingredient in an inactive form and only taking effect on the spot with the help of the red light.

In doing so, so-called Alkyl radicals released. These radicals, unlike oxygen radicals, can cause cell death both in the presence of oxygen and in the absence of oxygen. For the first time, the working group used molecules known as “Organorhodium(III)-Phthalocyanin(Pc)-Komplexe“ be designated.

A red light laser activates the complexes

“The complexes we developed are very stable during synthesis, purification and measurement under ambient light, but can be activated by a laser that emits nanosecond-scale red light pulses”explains the first author of the study In Murata.

In addition, such lasers, which pulse within a billionth of a second, are relatively easy to use, according to Murata.

First successes

In the laboratory, the team has already been able to demonstrate that active ingredients released by activating the organorhodium(III) phthalocyanine (Pc) complexes using a red light laser effectively kill cancer cells be able.

“Our new technology could enable the photochemical generation of a variety of alkyl radicals and aldehydes, allowing for the local release of various bioactive molecules”summarizes the study author Kazuyuki Ishii.

According to the research team, the presented model represents an improvement over other photo-uncaging systems and opens up new avenues for the treatment of cancer Phototherapie. (vb)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the requirements of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


Graduate editor (FH) Volker Blasek


  • University of Tokyo: Radical new treatment system lights up cancer therapy (veröffentlicht: 21.09.2022),
  • Kei Murata, Yuki Saibe, Mayu Uchida, et al.: Two-photon, red light uncaging of alkyl radicals from organorhodium(iii) phthalocyanine complexes; in: Chemical Communications (2022),

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.

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