Find out how to get rid of toxins in your lungs.. here is the full list

Recent research indicates that long-term exposure to air pollution can increase the development of diseases lung and that outdoor air pollution contributes to lung cancer, and it has also been noted that long-term exposure to air pollution is linked to the development of asthma in many patients. According to the website,doctor.ndtv“.

The 5 healthy nutrients to detox your lungs:

1. Garlic

A little bit of garlic in your food on a regular basis works like magic for your overall health. The food contains anti-inflammatory properties and the high level of allicin helps fight infections..

2. apple

Yes, if you’ve underestimated the power of apples yet, it’s time to rethink. Try including this humble fruit in your diet. Apples contain nutrients, high fiber, and low calories. This fruit can benefit the respiratory system and strengthen the immune system..

3. Lentils

Rich in magnesium, iron, copper and potassium, all of these nutrients are great for the function of your lungs. You should try black beans, kidney beans, dried peas, lentils, red beans, chickpeas and soybeans..

4. Tomato

Tomatoes contain citric acid and are rich in vitamin C. You can use this bright red food in curries or even in salads of your choice. Some studies have shown that tomatoes improve the performance of the lungs..

5. Turmeric

This is one of the healthiest spices found in all homes, turmeric contains curcumin which is very effective for the lungs.

Simple drinks to keep your lungs healthy:

1. Ginger, honey and lemon tea

2. Green tea

3. Licorice

4. Ginger, cinnamon, cloves and cardamom tea

5. magic lung tea

This is a simple drink that can be prepared easily at home. The ingredients required for this ingredient include ginger, cinnamon stick, basil leaves, thyme leaves, cardamom and fennel seeds.

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