Food and health.. Learn about foods that should not be eaten raw

Aside from adding flavors to a dish and making it tastier, cooking also helps make a healthier and safer food dish, so some foods may require that they not be eaten raw for their health complications.

Do not eat these foods raw

Here are some Foods that you should not eat raw According to the site healthline:

wild mushrooms:

A wide variety of mushrooms grow in the wild, and while some of them may be edible, some species can be highly toxic and even deadly. Whether it is edible or not, it must be ensured that mushrooms are thoroughly cooked to reduce the risk of infection and food poisoning.


Roast or mash them, whatever you do, make sure you cook them, raw potatoes can affect your digestive health due to glycoalkaloid poisoning..

red beans:

Beans contain lectins. If eaten raw, it may put you at risk of developing abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, etc..


This food contains solanine, a toxic compound. Eating raw eggplant can put you at risk of solanine poisoning, which can cause digestive problems.

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