For these reasons you should strengthen your glutes, and it is not for aesthetics!

Los round and large buttocks they play a very important role in aesthetics, especially in women who tend to pay more attention to this part of the body when working on it, either at home or in a gym; but have you ever stopped to think why a good set of glutes It is important for your health, physical performance and longevity?

First, you should know what I mean. The gluteal complex it is the engine of your body. It does not matter if you are an athlete or not: all humans need some strong glutes. Because whether you realize it or not, your glutes do a lot for you.

By far the muscle group bigger and stronger of the body, the glutes and hamstrings (biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus) work together to extend, rotate and abduct the hip. They also contribute to stabilization of the pelvis, particularly when walking, running and climbing. Literally every step you take, your glutes are working to stabilize your hips and lower back.

know your buttocks

The glutes are a series of three muscles that form the buttocks. Broken down, these muscles are the gluteus maximus (the largest part of your butt and one of the largest and strongest muscles), the gluteus minimus (on the outside of the hip) and the gluteus medius (just above the hip and over the top of the minimum).

Together these muscles they are responsible hip extension, internal rotation, and abduction.

The gluteus medius and minimus muscles work together to promote abduction of the hip (the movement of the leg away from the body) and prevent adduction of the hip (the movement of the leg towards the body). stabilize the hip and help us hold the equilibrium.

The glutes create pelvic stability. Weak glutes can lead to misalignment of the entire lower body

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The gluteus maximus is major extensor muscle of the hip and also the largest of the three buttocks. His biggest job is stand tall and push our bodies forward.

Four reasons why strong glutes are important

your buttocks are extremely important. To prove it, here are four great reasons why glute strength should be at the forefront of your training program.

1. Reduce back pain and prevent injuries

Your glutes are responsible for hip extension and assist in its reverse action. Strong glutes are essential for lower back health, as they help with movements of the pelvis, hips and trunk. They also help distribute the load more evenly across the lower back and lower extremities and help maintain good posture.

Because the glutes are also hip stabilizers, a weak glute can cause a misalignment of the entire lower body, which can lead to injuries including Achilles tendonitis, leg cramps, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) sprains and tears, as well as iliotibial (IT) band syndrome.

Protect your hips, knees, and ankles by strengthening your glutes with hip thrusts, single-leg deadlifts, and weighted shells.

2. Reduce knee pain

The glutes create pelvic stability; which is especially important when your lower extremities work in a closed chain. For example, if you sprain your ankle, you can also have imbalances at the knee and higher up the leg. The same can happen if the instability starts at the hip, creating excessive force on the knee and ankle. That can mean pain or discomfort in the knee.

Instability in the hip can cause the femur to rotate too far inward (excessive medial rotation), causing the patella popping out out of place as the leg bends and straightens. It’s called lateral patellar tracking and it’s a common source of pain for many people.

3. Increases power and exercise performance.

Your glutes aid in forward propulsion during the run by creating hip extension. They are essential for accelerate, jump and even lift heavy objects. If your gluteal muscles get weak, you may feel less powerful and efficient.

4. Fat loss and maintenance

The Loss of fat requires a daily caloric deficit. Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose fat (more or less). Unlike fat tissue, muscle is metabolically active, which means that even when you’re not exercising, your muscles will burn calories of stored fat. In fact, studies suggest that for every pound of muscle you build, your body will burn 50 extra calories per day.

Include exercises like squats in your exercise routine to strengthen your glutes

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Since the glutes and hamstrings are two of the largest muscle groups in the body, their potential contribution to fat loss should not be underestimated. Try incorporating a variety of squats and lunges into a full-body compound lifting-style routine to build muscle, burn fat, and continue burning calories for 24 to 48 hours after you finish your workout.

The 6 best exercises to strengthen your glutes

1. Squats




The classic squat It’s a great staple in any fitness training program. lower body. This exercise works your glutes through a wide range of motion, stretching your muscles under load at the bottom of the squat. Working a muscle through a wide range of motion under load has been shown to be important for muscle growth and strength. And study showed that performing squats resulted in twice the improvements seen with half squats, despite training with lighter loads.

2. Hip Thrust

The hip thrust is an ideal exercise to work the glutes

The hip thrust is an ideal exercise to work the glutes

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Hip thrusts, which can be done with a barbell or a hip thrust machine at the gym, use the hip extension to target the buttocks. One benefit of this exercise is that it is easy to find and maintain consistent muscle contact throughout the exercise, which can be beneficial to the body. muscle growth. Aim for a wide range of motion for best results and gradually increase the weights in every workout.

3. Bulgarian squats

bulgarian squat

bulgarian squat

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because you will be standing on one leg at a timeBulgarian squats work the hip stabilizers: the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. Working one leg at a time also means you can find and equalize any differences in strength from side to side, although it’s completely normal to be a little more stable on one side than the other.

4. Deadlift

Dead weight

Dead weight


The dead weight mimics the function of the glutes in everyday life, such as when we are lifting something from the ground.

It has many benefits and is extremely crucial in the strength development of the whole body, proper hip function, core force and spinal stabilization (which can reduce the risk of lower back injury). Since the dead weights involve multiple muscle groupsstabilizers, joints and muscles, also burn more calories and more body fat compared to other exercise movements.

5. Single Leg Glute Bridge

single leg bridge

single leg bridge

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This exercise is similar to the Hip Thrust, but in this case use one leg at a time which makes it more challenging even without weights. It is an excellent exercise to improve the hip stability for running and other sports.

6. Lunges



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lunges are a excellent exercise for your buttocks. In a staggered pose, you really have to use your glutes to stabilize your body. The pose also forces the glutes at the front of the legs to work even harder. This exercise also works other muscles, including the hamstrings, quads and calves.

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