France’s Offshore Wind Revolution: Poised for Growth

2024-09-17 15:00:17

Saint-Brieuc wind farm, July 18, 2023, off Erquy (Côtes-d’Armor).

” sizes=”(min-width: 1024px) 556px, 100vw” width=”664″ height=”443″/> The Saint-Brieuc wind farm, July 18, 2023, off Erquy (Côtes-d'Armor).

So far, it’s a drop in the ocean, so to speak. After a decade of waiting, France has only three offshore wind farms already operational. But the industrial sector of this renewable energy hopes to build some “about fifty” by the middle of the century, according to Emmanuel Macron’s presidential objective in 2022.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers Much criticized, the Saint-Brieuc wind farm is finally operating

Off the coast of Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique) and Fécamp (Seine-Maritime), the first EDF wind farms have been fully operational since 2022 for one, and since June for the other. That of the Spanish Iberdrola, 62 wind turbines at least 16 kilometers off the coast of Saint-Brieuc, has been operating at full power since May. Its inauguration will take place on Thursday, September 19.

Far from the shore, with a stronger and more regular wind, offshore wind turbines promise a better yield than those on land. It is still necessary to organize their deployment and distribute them across the territory. Façade by façade, the responsibility falls to the State, the project owner in this area.

Main challenge: determining the future mapping of offshore wind power. With these three farms already in service, the country currently has 1.5 gigawatts (GW) of installed power. This is still little compared to what the “Offshore Wind Pact between the State and the industry” aims for: to reach 18 GW in 2035, then 45 GW in 2050, and therefore exceed the capacity of onshore wind turbines. “The Netherlands and Germany have even greater objectives than France, in maritime areas that are nevertheless smaller than ours”, Pierre Peysson emphasizes, Chairman of the Offshore Wind Commission of the Renewable Energy Union (SER), a professional organization.

Ten other parks identified

It is up to the public authorities to designate a particular company to develop projects. Grouped or not, calls for tender are examined in advance by an independent administrative authority, the Energy Regulatory Commission. In addition to the three parks in service, the State has already identified ten others: six have been awarded, four still to be awarded. That is a total capacity of 10 GW.

The hardest part remains: the tenth call for tenders (“AO10”) will be supposed to represent on its own… around 10 GW. A volume of unprecedented magnitude, which requires the coordination of a multitude of construction sites, on the four maritime facades of the country. It was initially a question of launching it in 2025, before pushing it back to 2026. “There is no more time to lose”Mr. Peysson now believes, for the SER.

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#France #offshore #wind #power #waiting #reach #cruising #speed

Offshore wind farms ​to ensure minimal environmental impact and effective use of marine ⁢spaces. Furthermore,‌ logistical ‌challenges and ‍infrastructure development will​ play a crucial role ⁤in the​ timely establishment of these projects.

France Embarks ⁢on Ambitious Offshore Wind Farm ‍Expansion

France has finally ​taken ⁢the plunge into the offshore wind farm industry, with three operational farms‌ already generating electricity off its coast. The country aims to ‌dramatically increase its offshore wind power capacity, with a goal ​of reaching ​45‌ gigawatts‌ (GW) by‌ 2050, surpassing its ‌onshore wind turbine capacity. This‍ ambitious objective is in line with President ‌Emmanuel Macron’s 2022 presidential goal to build around ⁢50 offshore⁢ wind farms by the middle of the⁢ century.

A Drop in‍ the Ocean,‌ But a‌ Start

Currently, France has ‌only three operational offshore wind farms, with a combined capacity of 1.5 GW.⁤ However, the ‍industrial sector​ is determined to ramp up production, ‌with ten more parks identified, six of which have already⁣ been awarded to developers. These additional parks will ⁣add a ​total capacity‌ of ‍10 ⁤GW, a ⁤significant step towards achieving⁤ the country’s ‍ambitious targets.

The Benefits of Offshore Wind Power

Offshore wind ‍turbines offer several advantages over their onshore​ counterparts.⁣ Far​ from the⁢ coast, the wind is stronger and more consistent, resulting in ​a higher yield. This makes offshore wind ​power an attractive option⁢ for France, which is ⁣determined to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels​ and transition to renewable ​energy sources.

The Challenges of Deployment

One of the ⁢main ‍challenges facing⁢ France’s offshore wind farm expansion‍ is determining‍ the future ⁤mapping of offshore wind ‌power. The state ​must carefully ⁢plan and‌ allocate the deployment ⁤of

– What are the key advantages of offshore wind farms compared to onshore wind farms in France?

France’s Offshore Wind Farm Revolution: A Turning Point for Renewable Energy

As the world shifts towards a more sustainable future, France is taking a significant step forward in its pursuit of renewable energy. With only three offshore wind farms operational after a decade of waiting, the country is now gearing up to build around 50 more by the mid-21st century, in line with President Emmanuel Macron’s ambitious plan.

A Drop in the Ocean, But a Promising Start

The Saint-Brieuc wind farm, located off the coast of Erquy in Côtes-d’Armor, is one of the three operational offshore wind farms in France. Although it’s just a small step towards the country’s renewable energy goals, it marks a significant turning point in France’s pursuit of offshore wind power.

The First EDF Wind Farms

Two other wind farms, one off the coast of Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique) and the other off Fécamp (Seine-Maritime), have been fully operational since 2022 and June 2023, respectively. These wind farms, developed by EDF, are paving the way for France’s offshore wind power revolution.

Iberdrola’s Offshore Wind Farm

In May 2023, the Spanish energy company Iberdrola’s offshore wind farm, comprising 62 wind turbines located at least 16 kilometers off the coast of Saint-Brieuc, began operating at full power. The farm’s inauguration is scheduled to take place on September 19, 2023.

The Benefits of Offshore Wind Power

Offshore wind turbines have several advantages over their onshore counterparts. They are able to harness stronger and more regular winds, resulting in a higher yield. This is because the wind speed and direction are more consistent at sea, reducing the variability of wind power generation.




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