Franck Djongo Questions DRC’s UN Council Integration at Geneva Conference

This was a scandalous position taken by Franck Djongo, in a meeting of a United Nations commission in Geneva, Switzerland. This Congolese opponent demanded that his country not be part of the United Nations Council because of the lack of respect for human rights, which he attributes to the Tshisekedi regime.

He was ranting, not wanting to hear anyone, about noises ready to disrupt the proceedings. A video that went viral on social networks shows Franck Djongo raising his voice, without being granted the right to speak, thus fiercely attacking the Kinshasa regime.

A government of genocidaires! They killed 2000 people in the central prison of Makala! Yesterday, they arrested a journalist, do they respect human rights? Congo cannot be a member of the United Nations for human rights” he said.

In this same video, we can also see the opponent Jean-Claude Vuemba, supporting the position of his compatriot.

It will be recalled that Franck Djongo has been living in exile in Brussels since last June. Belgium had recognized his status as a political refugee upon his request, accusing the head of the Military Intelligence Agency of holding a grudge against him.

His lawyer, Maître Deswaef, had stated that his client had filed a complaint in Belgium for torture against the head of Congolese military intelligence, General Christian Ndaywel. For Franck Diongo’s lawyer, such legal proceedings are possible since, according to him, General Ndaywel recently acquired Belgian nationality.

/deep congo

2024-09-09 15:32:48
#Geneva #Franck #Djongo #disrupts #meeting #opposes #integration #DRC #United #Nations #Council

What actions has Franck⁤ Diongo taken to address human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?

Franck Diongo: A Vocal ⁤Critic of ⁢Human Rights Abuse in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Franck Diongo, a Congolese politician, has been making headlines recently with his strong stance against human rights abuse in⁤ his home country, the Democratic Republic of⁤ the Congo (DRC). ⁣In a scandalous move, Diongo demanded that the DRC⁣ not be part of the‍ United‍ Nations Council due to the lack of respect for human rights under the Tshisekedi regime [[3]].‍ This‍ bold statement was made during a meeting ‍of a United Nations commission in Geneva, Switzerland.

A Passionate Plea for Human Rights

In a video that went viral on social media, Diongo can be seen ranting and ⁣fiercely ⁣attacking the Kinshasa⁣ regime, ⁤accusing them of being a “government of genocidaires” [[1]]. He cited the example of the killing of 2000 people in the central prison of Makala and the recent arrest ​of a journalist, questioning whether⁣ the regime truly​ respects human rights. Diongo’s outburst was met with⁣ support from fellow opponent Jean-Claude Vuemba, who was present ⁤at the meeting.

A Politician in Exile

It is worth noting that Franck Diongo ⁤has been living in ⁣exile in Brussels since June, after Belgium recognized his status as a political refugee [[3]]. Diongo had accused the head of⁤ the Military Intelligence Agency of holding a grudge against him, prompting his ⁤request for asylum. Despite being in‌ exile, Diongo remains vocal about the issues plaguing his homeland, including the withdrawal of MONUSCO, a UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC [[2]].

A Plan for the Future

In addition to his passionate plea for human⁢ rights, Diongo has also presented a plan‍ for the future of the DRC.‍ According to reports, he has outlined a plan for the withdrawal of MONUSCO and‍ has​ called for collective action to meet the expectations of the Congolese people [[2]].


Franck Diongo’s bold stance against human rights abuse in the DRC has sent shockwaves throughout the international community.‍ His ⁢passionate plea for justice and accountability is a testament to​ his commitment⁣ to the Congolese people. As a politician, Diongo’s actions serve as⁣ a reminder that even in exile, one can continue to fight for what is right and just. His plan for the future of the DRC is a step in the right direction, and it is hoped that‍ his efforts will ⁤bring about ⁣positive change in the region.

Keywords: ⁤Franck Diongo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Human Rights Abuse, United Nations Council, Tshisekedi Regime, MONUSCO, Political Refugee, Exile.

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Franck Diongo: A Vocal Critic of Human Rights Abuse in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Franck Diongo, a Congolese politician, has been making headlines recently with his strong stance against human rights abuse in his home country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). In a scandalous move, Diongo demanded that the DRC not be part of the United Nations Council due to the lack of respect for human rights under the Tshisekedi regime [[3]]. This bold statement was made during a meeting of a United Nations commission in Geneva, Switzerland.

A Passionate Plea for Human Rights

In a video that went viral on social media, Diongo can be seen ranting and fiercely attacking the Kinshasa regime, accusing them of being a “government of genocidaires” [[1]]. He cited the example of the killing of 2000 people in the central prison of Makala and the recent arrest of a journalist, questioning whether the regime truly respects human rights. Diongo’s outburst was met with support from fellow opponent Jean-Claude Vuemba, who was present at the meeting.

A Politician in Exile

It is worth noting that Franck Diongo has been living in exile in Brussels since June, after Belgium recognized his status as a political refugee [[3]]. Diongo had accused the head of the Military Intelligence Agency of holding a grudge against him, prompting his request for asylum. Despite being in exile, Diongo remains vocal about the issues plaguing his homeland, including the withdrawal of MONUSCO, a UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC [[2]].

A Plan for the Future

In addition to his passionate plea for human rights, Diongo has also presented a plan for the future of the DRC. According to reports, he has outlined a plan for the withdrawal of MONUSCO and has called for collective action to meet the expectations of the Congolese people [[2]].

Franck Diongo’s Human Rights Advocacy

Franck Diongo’s advocacy for human rights in the DRC is not limited to his bold statement at the United Nations commission meeting. He has also filed a complaint in Belgium for torture against the head of Congolese military intelligence, General Christian Ndaywel, citing his recent acquisition of Belgian nationality as grounds for legal proceedings [[3]].

Crackdown on Opposition Ahead of Elections

Diongo’s vocal criticism of the Tshisekedi regime comes at a time when Congolese authorities are cracking down on opposition ahead of elections [[2]]. Human rights groups have accused the authorities of violating regional and international human rights law by arresting and intimidating opposition leaders.

Sentenced to Five Years in Prison

In 2016, a court in the Democratic Republic of Congo sentenced a political opposition leader to five years in prison, sparking concerns about human rights abuses in the country [[3]].


Franck Diongo’s bold stance against human rights abuse in the DRC has sent shockwaves throughout the international community. His passionate plea for justice and accountability is a testament to his commitment to the Congolese people. As a politician, Diongo’s actions serve as a reminder of the importance of holding governments accountable for human rights abuses.


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