From Suburban Streets to Sun-Kissed Shores: The Rise and Fall of an Extortion Network

The conversation, which has been recorded by the section of the Department of Prosecution of Extortionists of the Directorate of Security of Attica, captures the way in which the “bravos” from the southern suburbs attempted to “control” the entire village square in the “heart” of Mykonos. Although the 38-year-old ringleader, known as ‘Tony’, and the 42-year-old known as ‘Belgos’ have been remanded in custody, the extortions appear to be continuing.

According to information, after the completion of the police investigation, there was a complaint to the Extortion Prosecution Department that an unknown woman approached a victim of the gang, making threatening statements about her and members of her family, asking to change the incriminating statement and to return the money had given in the context of blackmail. Security officials say the woman acted on behalf of the accused members of the organization and have forwarded the complaint to the prosecutor to order further action, however the victim approached does not want to press charges.

“It was the day you met me crying,” the owner told the employee, describing her first “meeting” with the “good guys.” The interlocutor worked at a store that also paid sums for “protection” to the gang. The members of the organization had approached the owner at a festival in the square of Ano Mera, at the beginning of June. Since then, every end of the month, the two “collectors” of the criminal group “visited” the shop and extorted the money for “protection”.

On the afternoon of August 25, the owner of the creperie in Ano Mera Mykonos talks to the restaurant employee regarding the action of the extortion group and her extortion.

Owner: Hey friend, I saw some faces on the nine days of Panagia and they came in somewhat bloated so a little strange…

Employee: He is a well-known Mykonian, a fool he is.

Owner: They call me every end of the month, 27th, 28th…

Employee: Who’s taking you?

Owner: A Tony.

Employee: Tony, he’s the only one I know, but he came to me today too.

Owner: Did it come to you today?

Employee: No, the first time…

Owner: Do you know what I’m thinking? now that they saw us one day full… maybe your five thousand say…

Employee: We are… at eight… At first they said fifteen and it closed at eight, I think eight.

Owner: Hey man, it’s like rape but…

Employee: C@@@@@ me, it’s an extra rent on me, are you kidding me?

Owner: Let the other person come in now and take your money.

“We… we… have… there is protection down (unintelligible) in Athens and it’s known down there, do you understand what I’m trying to tell you?” So”, says the owner of the stores of the same name in Mykonos and Glyfada in his communication with another victim of extortion. According to him, his brother, who was talking to “Tony”, was responsible for the payment of the money and the agreement.

In fact, the criminal of Albanian origin had told him in an earlier communication that he represented the “Ilioupoli Team” headed by a person named “Takis”, referring to “Takis the Albanian” and a Greek old acquaintance of the competent prosecuting authorities.

“It’s like an unwritten rule,” says the owner characteristically, regarding the extortionate payment of money under the pretext of providing “protection.” In another part of the conversation, he mentions that the “group of thugs” they paid to had also approached one of Mykonos’ best-known clubs, but had been chased away by another extortion group that was “protecting” the shop in question.

“Markos came… he tells me “we are afraid” and that the “chef” from… (s.s.q store name) had been thrown out of the shop by the thugs”, he says characteristically describing the action of the unknown second group of “thugs” .

“He gets a lot of protection”

“Toni of Takis of Albano from Ilioupoli has come down to Mykonos and goes to the shops with inflatables and gets a small amount of protection”. This information reached the officers of the Mykonos Police Sub-Directorate at the beginning of August, revealing the illegal activity of the gang of extortionists. According to the informant, the “bravos” made a “landing” on the “island of the winds” at the beginning of the season, last June, and immediately “informed” the owners of the shops of Ano Mera about their presence and about the… invoice of providing “protection”.

In fact, the same information stated that in the event that a shopkeeper cheated them to get protection from another shop, they would cut the price in half. Another piece of information that reached the authorities said: “Those who make the collections for the protections from the shops in Mykonos and Ano Mera, on behalf of “Toni” from Ilioupoli, drive around with a HONDA brand bike and a license plate… while “Toni” has quarrels with the owners of the restaurant … both in Ano Mera and in Glyfada”.

“Tony” and “Takis the Albanian”

A ruse of a staged robbery of a pawnshop in Pagrati with loot of 600,000 euros from… gold hunters, an escape with a Kalashnikov through the Trikala Hospital and a subsequent fight with the police in Kokkino Mylos and a car bombing that was in motion on Attiki Odos with the victim 35-year-old Alex Rapo on December 29, 2014 are some of the cases that had been linked to the man called “Takis the Albanian”. The 48-year-old was arrested last January at the “Eleftherios Venizelos” airport, with a warrant for the homicide on Attiki Odos, but a few hours later he was released on a bail of 10,000 euros. “Toni” is also an “old acquaintance” of the authorities, who in April 2018 had shot at police officers of the Immediate Action in Kallithea, during a control.

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#Extortion #ring #moved #southern #suburbs #Mykonos



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