Gaza’s Biggest Hospital Transforms into a Sanctuary Amidst Ongoing Turmoil

Conditions for hundreds of Dar al Shifa patients and thousands of people sheltering in and around Dar al Shifa are worsening as the hospital finds itself at the epicenter of the five-week war.

Witnesses at the hospital told AFP on Sunday that fierce fighting continued throughout the night.

The Health Ministry of the Hamas-ruled <a href="" title="Israel carried out three attacks on Iranian territory already in October”>Gaza Strip said on Monday that six premature babies and nine other patients had already died at the hospital. The latest victims are one premature baby and two patients.

The deaths are linked to fuel and electricity shortages at the hospital due to the fighting.

VIDEO: Panic in the maternity ward after the bombing of the hospital grounds

Israel says Hamas militants, who killed about 1,200 in Israel in the Oct. 7 attack that sparked the war. people, deliberately set up their operational headquarters in the hospital and tunnel complex.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and other United Nations agencies have warned that there are up to 3,000 people in Dar al Shifa hospital without adequate supplies of fuel, water and food. patients and staff.

“Unfortunately, this hospital no longer functions as a hospital,” said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

“It’s been three days without electricity, without water,” he said, stressing that the situation in the hospital is terrible and dangerous.

Not a single hospital is operating in the northern Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Health announced on Monday.

Self-evacuation corridor

Israel is under intense international pressure to minimize civilian suffering as a massive air and ground operation continues, which Hamas says has already killed more than 11,000 people in the Gaza Strip. people.

Foreign officials, including European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, have urged Israel to exercise restraint and condemned Hamas for using hospitals and civilians as human shields.

The Israeli military announced that a self-evacuation corridor would be opened on Monday from Dar al Shifa to the south, but acknowledged that heavy fighting was still taking place in the area.

The fighting zone currently includes the Dar al Shifa area, but not the hospital itself, an Israel Defense Forces spokesman told AFP.

At the behest of Israel, tens of thousands of Gazans have already left the northern part of the Gaza Strip. However, it is unclear whether there will be any help to evacuate the sick and injured from Dar al Shifa.

The Israeli army also said that ground forces soldiers delivered 300 liters of fuel to the hospital for emergency medical needs. A video released by the military overnight shows soldiers carrying and leaving a dozen canisters near the building.

AFP could not verify the authenticity of the post and Israel’s statement that Hamas had banned the hospital from taking fuel.

Since October 7, only a few trucks with fuel have been allowed into the Gaza Strip. Israel believes that the delivered fuel would be used by Hamas militants.

Dar al Shifa director Mohammad Abu Salmiya told reporters that Israel’s claims were lies.

According to him, the 300 liters of fuel announced by the army would in any case be enough for electricity generators “for no more than a quarter of an hour”.

Dwindling inventory

Last week, journalists from the news agency AFP saw many sick and injured people lying on stretchers against the walls of the hospital corridor.

The yard of the emergency department was full of people, and piles of waste were piled up around it.

Some of the thousands of people displaced by the fighting have set up camps on the hospital grounds, where they cook using the few kitchen scraps they have.

At al-Quds, another hospital in the Gaza Strip, the situation is also reportedly dire. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society has warned that it is out of business due to a lack of fuel for electricity generators.

Twenty of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are no longer functioning, according to the United Nations humanitarian aid agency.

According to the data of the UN agency to support Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), since October 7, almost 1.6 million people, about two-thirds of the population of the Gaza Strip, were internally displaced.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected calls for a ceasefire, saying Hamas must first release the roughly 240 hostages it kidnapped on October 7.

Israelis are still shocked by the worst attack in the country’s history and worried, as the fate of the missing remains unclear.

A recent poll by the Israel Democracy Institute found that many Israelis support talks with Hamas to free the hostages, but believe the fighting should not end.

Netanyahu told US media that a deal could be reached to free the hostages, but gave no details.

“I think the less I talk about it, the more likely it is to happen,” he told NBC.

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told US television station MSNBC that active talks were underway on a possible deal, but gave no details, and a Palestinian official in the Gaza Strip accused Israel of delaying the process.

“B. “Netanyahu is responsible for the delays and obstacles to a tentative agreement on the release of several prisoners,” the official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

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#Thousands #people #trapped #Gazas #largest #hospital #result #surrounding #fighting
2024-09-19 10:47:10

What is the​ current‌ situation at Dar al Shifa hospital in Gaza amid the ongoing conflict? ⁣

Crisis Deepens‍ at Dar al Shifa Hospital as Gaza Conflict ⁤Rages On

The situation at Dar⁣ al Shifa hospital in the ⁤Gaza Strip has reached a critical point, with hundreds ⁤of patients and thousands of people sheltering in ​and around the hospital facing worsening conditions as the conflict‌ between Israel and Hamas⁢ militants enters its fifth week.

Fighting Continues, ‍Patients Die

Witnesses reported‌ intense fighting throughout the night,⁤ with the Health Ministry⁤ of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip announcing that six​ premature babies⁤ and nine other patients⁤ have died at the​ hospital due to fuel and ⁤electricity shortages. The latest ⁣victims include one premature ⁢baby and two ‌patients. The hospital, which is located in the northern Gaza⁢ Strip, has been ​at the⁣ epicenter ⁤of the conflict, with Israel accusing Hamas militants of using the hospital as a operational headquarters.

WHO Warns ⁢of Humanitarian Crisis

The⁤ World Health Organization (WHO) and other United ‌Nations agencies have warned that up to⁤ 3,000 people, including patients and staff, are without adequate‌ supplies of fuel, water,⁤ and food at Dar al​ Shifa hospital. WHO ⁣chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus described the situation at⁤ the hospital⁣ as “terrible and⁣ dangerous,” stating that it has been three days without electricity or water.

Self-Evacuation⁣ Corridor Announced

Israel has announced a​ self-evacuation corridor from ‌Dar ​al Shifa to the south, but it remains unclear whether any help will be provided ⁢to evacuate ⁣the sick and injured ‍from the‍ hospital. The ​Israeli military has claimed that a 300-liter fuel delivery was made‌ to the hospital for emergency medical needs, but the hospital’s director, Mohammad​ Abu Salmiya, has disputed this claim.

Dwindling ⁣Supplies

The‍ situation at Dar al Shifa ‍hospital is dire, ⁣with ⁣journalists‍ reporting that sick and⁢ injured people are lying on stretchers against the walls ‍of the hospital corridor. ⁢The yard of the emergency department is filled ⁢with ‍people, and piles of waste are⁤ accumulating around it. Thousands ​of people displaced by the fighting have set ‌up camps on the hospital grounds, where they ⁤are cooking using scraps of food.

Hospitals in Crisis

The situation⁣ is equally⁢ dire at other hospitals in the Gaza Strip, with the⁤ Palestinian ‌Red Crescent ⁢Society warning that it is ‌out ‌of fuel for⁢ electricity generators. According to​ the⁤ United Nations, 20 of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are no longer functioning.

IDPs and ‌Humanitarian​ Crisis

The conflict has ​resulted ​in a ​massive humanitarian crisis, with almost 1.6 million​ people, or two-thirds ​of the​ Gaza Strip’s population, ⁤internally displaced. The United Nations has warned of ⁣a dire⁢ humanitarian

What is the current situation at Dar al Shifa Hospital in Gaza?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

Crisis at Dar al Shifa Hospital: A Humanitarian Disaster Unfolds in Gaza

As the conflict in Gaza enters its fifth week, the situation at Dar al Shifa hospital, located in the heart of the Gaza Strip, has become increasingly dire. The hospital, which serves as a lifeline for thousands of patients and civilians, is struggling to operate amidst the intense fighting and bombardment.

Worsening Conditions for Patients and Civilians

The Health Ministry of the Gaza Strip has reported that six premature babies and nine other patients have died at the hospital due to fuel and electricity shortages. The latest victims include one premature baby and two patients. The hospital’s struggles to maintain basic services have been exacerbated by the fighting, which has disrupted the supply of essential goods, including fuel, water, and food.

Panic in the Maternity Ward

A video captured by AFP shows the panic and chaos in the maternity ward of Dar al Shifa hospital after the bombing of the hospital grounds. The hospital’s director, Mohammad Abu Salmiya, has accused Israel of deliberately targeting the hospital, which has resulted in the deaths of innocent civilians.

International Concerns and Criticism

The World Health Organization (WHO) and other United Nations agencies have expressed grave concerns about the humanitarian situation in Gaza, particularly with regards to the dire conditions at Dar al Shifa hospital. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has stated that the hospital is no longer functioning as a hospital, and that the situation is “terrible and dangerous.”

Self-Evacuation Corridor

In response to international pressure, Israel has announced the opening of a self-evacuation corridor from Dar al Shifa to the south. However, the Israeli military has acknowledged that heavy fighting is still taking place in the area, making it unclear whether the corridor will be safe for civilians to use.

Dwindling Inventory

The hospital’s inventory of essential supplies, including fuel, water, and medicine, is rapidly dwindling. Journalists from AFP have reported seeing sick and injured people lying on stretchers against the walls of the hospital corridor, with waste piling up around the emergency department.

Accusations and Denials

Israel has accused Hamas of using the hospital as a human shield and of banning the hospital from accepting fuel deliveries. However, Dar al Shifa’s director has denied these accusations, stating that the 300 liters of fuel delivered by the Israeli army would only be enough to power the hospital’s generators for a quarter of an hour.

Humanitarian Crisis

The situation at Dar al Shifa hospital is just one aspect of the larger humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza. The WHO has warned that up to 3,000 people are trapped in the hospital without adequate supplies of fuel,



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