German Prime Minister Scholz visits Russia for a clear offensive stance | Reuters

On February 16, German Chancellor Schortz (pictured) has been criticized for his weak leadership and weakness in Russia regarding the Ukrainian crisis, but he held back at a press conference after the meeting with President Putin on the 15th. While maintaining his tone, he showed an unexpectedly tough side. The photo is a representative photo taken in Berlin on the 10th (2022 /

[Moscow / Berlin 16th]–German Prime Minister Scholz has been criticized for his weak leadership and weakness in Russia regarding the Ukrainian crisis, but he has been suppressed at the press conference after the meeting with President Putin on the 15th. While maintaining a tough tone, he showed an unexpectedly tough side.

Russian politicians often test the guts of dignitaries from abroad, so among experts, how the stubborn Scholz, who just took office in December, confronts the bullish Putin. Was attracting attention. Putin put a black Labrador dog in the meeting when he met with former German Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2007, even though Merkel was famous for her dog haters.

However, Scholz showed a warlike side at a press conference that successfully refuted Putin’s allegations. Putin criticized the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for bombing the former Yugoslavia in 1999 and starting a war, while Schortz responded that the aim was to prevent genocide. rice field.

Putin argued that Russia considers the killing of Russian citizens, such as in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, to be genocide. Scholz pointed out in a subsequent solo press conference that Putin’s use of genocide was incorrect.

Mr. Scholz also said that Putin’s concern about NATO’s eastern expansion is not an issue to be considered in the near future, and he said he could afford to ridicule Putin’s administration for a long time.

“I don’t know how long the president intends to stay, but I have the impression that it’s been a long time, but it won’t be forever,” Putin said with a smile.

Some have expressed concern about the issue of citizens’ rights and praised Mr. Scholz for meeting with multiple activists. On the other hand, there are criticisms that the negative remarks about Ukraine’s accession to NATO in the near future are too concessions.

Nonetheless, the impression of clear words during this visit to Russia will help increase the confidence of the international community as the leader of the European powerhouse Germany.

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