Global rainfall contaminates “Eternal Chemical” – BBC News Thai

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1 hour ago

A recent study by Swedish scientists indicates that There is currently no place on Earth free of PFAS, also known as PFAS. “Eternal chemicals” (forever chemicals) again, with contaminants found in rainwater that falls around the world. which is much higher than the safe level set by the US government.

Even past research can not conclude that PFAS is a Teflon cookware coating. And is it used in many industrial products such as paints, glues, paper, raincoats, and packaging, are they carcinogenic and harmful to health in the long run? But some experts believe that if the amount of PFAS is not restricted from now on. will certainly cause detriment to human beings in the future

PFAS or polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl It is a fluorine compound with approximately 4,500 species that can remain in soil, water and the atmosphere for thousands of years. until it was nicknamed the eternal chemical

fire truck

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Foam extinguishers often contain PFAS as an ingredient.

The dispersion cycle of PFAS begins as microparticles in sea aerosols. which will be blown up into the air and fall with rainwater that penetrates into the ground below Can be found even in remote areas such as Antarctica.

A team of scientists from Sweden’s University of Stockholm The results of the above study were published in the journal According to Environmental Science & Technology, the results of the investigation of four PFAS compounds in rainfall worldwide One such substance was found to be highly contaminated in rainwater everywhere. This exceeds the level of drinking water safety standards set by the US government and contaminates soil around the world.

Professor Ian Cousins, who led the research team, said: “There are no more safe areas on our planet. We find this chemical everywhere. and can no longer limit it to a safe level. My words don’t mean we’re all going to die. But now there is no place where we can be sure. The environment in the area is safe.”

Previous studies have shown that exposure to high levels of PFAS increases the risk of certain cancers. including fertility problems and developmental delays in children However, a number of studies have found no link between PFAS and the disease.


image source, MARKUS FREY


Scientists collect ice samples in Antarctica to determine how far PFAS substances travel.

Professor Crispin Halsall, PFAS expert from Lancaster University, UK. Not one of the members of the research team, Prof. Cousins ​​commented. “Only in rainwater alone, the amount of PFAS has already exceeded the standard. Not to mention contaminants in other parts of the environment, which in the long run will certainly have detrimental effects on human health. due to chemical contamination in drinking water.”

However, Prof. Halsall said that We can remove PFAS from drinking water. through certain processes at the water treatment plant But this method of contaminant-free water is very costly.

A team of researchers from the University of Stockholm also pointed out that Controlling the amount of PFAS substances from contaminating the environment beyond that standard Currently, this cannot be easily done in practice. It is also likely that the US government And other countries will continue to waive such benchmarks because they disrupt economic activities such as building construction and industries.

Prof. Cousins ​​concluded that “However, humans need durable chemicals. This will help products last longer, but we should quickly find non-hazardous chemicals to replace PFAS. I hope that forward-thinking industries will work together to find a solution in this regard.”

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