Good Old Days, a beautiful song that will remind us of memories with someone.

It is considered a new series that is hot, one thing that has to do with the story. Good Old Days Memory Shop The first two episodes that have been released make it a girl with tears in her eyes. But in addition to the content of the series Another thing that is equally good is that the theme song for this series has a young man. Chris Perawat One of the main actors of the story is a singer and conveys emotions Which let me tell you that just listening to it for the first time, we were immediately struck by this song. And it’s not difficult to keep in a list of songs that are in your heart.

Good Old Days​​​​​​ It’s a song that talks about someone who will always be in our memory. Just looking at his objects or photographs is like a time machine that takes us to see him and that memory again. Whether it’s happy, sad, good or bad memories… Everything is a memory between us and that person that hasn’t faded away. and never regrets making memories together

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