Habit ‘Meditation’ to Prevent Stroke, Called the ‘Silent Killer’ |

Stroke, which causes fatal damage to brain function, is more likely to occur in winter when blood vessels constrict, but more caution should be taken in spring, when the temperature difference between day and night is large. In September of last year, the National Medical Center announced that the number of stroke patients in Korea had increased by 19% over the past five years.

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Stroke, which causes brain damage due to blockage or bursting of blood vessels supplying blood to the brain, is a disease that requires greater attention in the spring when the daily temperature difference is large. Brain TV capture of the photo log.

Stroke, the second leading cause of death worldwide, is called the ‘silent killer’ as it damages the brain due to blockage or rupture of blood vessels supplying blood to the brain. One day, it can suddenly come back fine, and it gradually deteriorates, but you must receive treatment within 3 hours, which is called the golden time, to minimize brain damage.

4 typical stroke symptoms

First of all, it is important to recognize the precursor symptoms in advance. The representative precursor symptoms can be divided into four major categories.

First of all, I can’t laugh out loud. Second, the inability to reach forward with both hands or lack of strength in only one limb. Third, there is difficulty in pronunciation or symptoms of aphasia. 4. Blurred vision or gaze is directed to one side.

5 ways to self-diagnose

First language disorder. Having trouble speaking or understanding. For example, you may feel that your speech is slow, that you cannot communicate, or that you have difficulty understanding what others are saying. Second body movement disorder. It is difficult for a limb to move or move forward on its own, a wrist or ankle bends spontaneously, or a feeling of weakness in one limb.

third blindness. My vision is dim or dark, and I feel that part of my vision is missing. fourth headache. Severe headaches that start suddenly and become persistent or severe. Fifth dizziness. Feeling dizzy or floating. If you have any of the above symptoms, you should suspect a stroke.

Stroke causes and prevention… Maintaining a healthy life is key, breathing and meditation help prevent and heal

Stroke is generally caused by hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, dyslipidemia, smoking, drinking, obesity, lack of exercise, depression, and stress. Cholesterol builds up on the inner walls of damaged blood vessels and gradually narrows the blood vessels in the brain, resulting in insufficient blood supply or blood clots breaking off from the narrowed area and blocking the blood vessels. In order to prevent these strokes, it is most important to maintain a healthy life.

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To prevent stroke, avoid high-fat, high-heat, and high-sodium meals, and eat vegetables, fruits, and fiber-rich meals. Photo Pixabay image.

In particular, eating habits play a major role in stroke prevention, and high-fat, high-calorie, and high-sodium meals should be avoided, and it is good to eat fruits and vegetables and a diet rich in dietary fiber. Also, quit smoking and drinking because they increase the risk of stroke.

It is good to maintain an appropriate amount of exercise and prevent diseases such as abdominal obesity, high blood cancer, and diabetes. It is also a good way to practice breathing and meditation on a regular basis. Because meditation activates the metabolism and reduces stress, it can prevent and alleviate high blood pressure, which is the cause of stroke.

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Breathing and meditation are effective exercises for preventing stroke and overcoming the aftereffects of stroke. Brain TV capture of the photo log.

Meditation is also effective in overcoming the aftereffects of a stroke. Meditation can promote mental stability and recovery.

Stroke is a fatal but preventable disease. You just need to make a habit of taking good care of your body and brain.

The video of ‘Healthy Eating Habits and Exercise for Stroke Prevention’ can be found on ‘Ilji’s Brain TV’, a comprehensive brain health YouTube channel.

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