He was recovering from an accident and died 10 minutes before reuniting with his mother

Lourdes Juarez suffered a serious traffic accident on November 21, 2021 in Mar del Plata when an intoxicated motorist hit the motorcycle in which she was traveling with her boyfriend. The young man died 48 hours after the event and she was in a coma until December 22, the day she woke up.

the young was evolving favorably and had already been transferred to intermediate therapy. However, last Friday, January 21, after two months, he died suddenly in the Interzonal General Acute Hospital (Higa) Dr. Oscar Alende from Mar del Plata.

Malpractice complaint: a girl went to the hospital for a scratch and died three days later

Family and friends shocked by the death of the young woman demand explanations and hold the institution responsible for his death. Claims that are intensified because, in the first instance, from the health center they reported that Lourdes died of a complication in the tracheotomy, to later say that she had really died after being infected with coronavirus.

She was barbaric and suddenly they tell me that she died. And no one explains anything to me. They wash their hands, ”said his mother in dialogue with the press. On the other hand, members of her family assure that the body presented bruises and, in addition, several pages had been torn from the notebook with which Lourdes communicated. Among his stories, they found one that said “they haven’t bathed me since Saturday,” indicating that for almost a week he hadn’t been cleaned by the staff.

Lourdes Notebook

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Lourdes Notebook

“When we went to see her we found that he had a bruise on his cheekbone, with all her hair wet (they bathed her after she passed away), his notebook was missing pages and no one can explain to us what happened! They have given us different versions and we just want to know the truth,” wrote Cielo Grebol, sister of Lourdes, on social networks.

Complaint in networks

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Complaint in networks

Grebol also denounced the fact through an open publication in Facebook. He began by recounting that when the young woman arrived at the hospital “they told us to disconnect her twice, they gave her three hours to live and in less than a week she began to improve enormously. She began to walk, to be able to speak, move, write, laugh and they put her down to intermediate therapy. Later, adds her sister, Lourdes was isolated for 15 days since they had detected cases of Covid-19 in therapy and, despite the fact that three tests had given her negative, they could only greet her through a window.

Complaint in networks

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Complaint in networks

“He fought her like a warrior from the first day, she had many pre-heart attacks and heart attacks and continued, with an exploded lung and the other fissured, she also continued. People who know us from inside the hospital tell us that it is impressive how she came out of everything, then we don’t understand, if she was fine, we saw her fine, WHAT HAPPENED? (…) WE WANT ANSWERS“He continued narrating the publication.

In another post, Grebol attaches a photo of Lourdes’s notebook and explains “she wrote this at 9 in the morning, she supposedly died at 11:20.” The image reads in the handwriting of the deceased young woman: “Mami (…) They brought me good news, that I will be able to see you and hug you, how I am doing to improve day by day is the love towards you”.

Lourdes Notebook

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Lourdes Notebook

This Sunday the 23rd, friends and relatives mobilized to ask Justice and that the circumstances of his death be clarified.

AS. cp

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