” Taiwan’s wave of failure to keep doctors: Omicron will challenge medical capacity-Instant News-Free Health Network

Jiang Guanyu said that Omicron is obviously a variant that challenges medical management. (

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]The Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19) epidemic has entered its third year, and the world is facing an unprecedented surge in cases. Doctors pointed out that if this wave is not held, Taiwan will also experience Omicron’s Invasion, Taiwan’s medical capacity will be challenged. If the medical system is overloaded and other severe diseases are crowded out of resources, it may cause overall danger.

Jiang Guanyu, a physician in the integrative medical care department of Taipei United Hospital, posted on his Facebook fan page “Dr. Jiang Guanyu Pro’spectThe article pointed out that the seven-day average of global Wuhan pneumonia cases climbed to 2.42 million last Sunday, almost three times the peak in April 2021. Due to the emergence of the Omicron mutation, the epidemic data in many countries has risen vertically like a wall, instead of rising steadily like a wave before.

Jiang Guanyu said that Omicron is obviously a mutant strain that challenges medical management. Although it seems that it is less likely to attack the lower respiratory tract and cause severe illness, it also occupies less intensive care unit intensive care resources. Isolation takes up beds, which in turn overloads the health system, crowds out other critically ill resources, and creates overall danger.

Jiang Guanyu took the United States as an example. According to the U.S. Public Health Service, the capacity of public ICU beds in 19 states in the United States has been reduced to less than 15%. As of the 13th, the average free capacity of five states was below 10%. The number of beds is the least, with only 7% remaining. Washington state announced the cessation of “non-emergency medical care”, and U.S. President Biden announced the deployment of reinforcement teams to six other states. In January and February, a total of 1,000 military medical personnel may be dispatched to share overloaded hospitals across the country.

Jiang Guanyu reminded that Taiwan should prepare a centralized quarantine station to accept asymptomatic and mild symptoms. As for the management and response of children infected with the virus, once an outbreak occurs, it may become one of the main problems. Children are not like adults. They can be isolated alone, and it may be necessary to separate them. Discuss and refer to other countries’ practices.

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