” What you must know about the recovery food against the new crown virus-Instant News-Free Health Network

Nutritionists remind groups with high nutrient needs to pay more attention to nutritional supplements. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]The rising epidemic and unbalanced nutrition may be related to the clinical symptoms of Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus, COVID-19) virus, such as acute respiratory distress, length of hospital stay, and death, nutritionist Lin Yuwei posted on Facebook Specialize”Lin Yuwei Nutritionist“Share, how to increase body protection, avoid infection, maintain normal body temperature, and help recovery by supplementing protein, fat, fruits and vegetables, and beneficial bacteria. In addition, a list of foods for precise nutritional supplementation is also provided, and groups with high nutritional needs are reminded to pay more attention to supplementation.

4 ways to increase body protection and avoid cell inflammation

enough protein

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Supplement each meal with high-quality protein foods such as eggs, chicken breast, and white-fleshed fish, and eat about half the size of the palm of your hand.

healthy fats

Choose foods rich in unsaturated fats, such as: small and medium-sized deep-sea fish, mixed nuts, camellia oil, and linseed oil.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidant phytochemicals, which can reduce the risk of infection.

foods with good bacteria

Helps balance the flora ecology and maintain intestinal immunity. For example: yogurt, yogurt, kimchi, natto.

Food list that accurately supplements the 4 major nutrients

B vitamins:Various B vitamins are associated with fighting viruses and relieving symptoms of infection, and can be supplemented with oats, nuts, brown rice, and dark green vegetables.

Vitamin C:Increases interferon formation and reduces inflammatory responses. Should be more intake of citrus, berries, sweet peppers, guava.

Vitamin D:Helps boost intestinal epithelial cells to manufacture antibacterial substances. Common foods such as dried mushrooms, egg yolks, salmon, black fungus, mushrooms.

Zinc, Selenium:Reduce the formation of ACE2, effectively reduce virus invasion. You can eat more lean meat, oysters, pumpkin seeds, and clams.

Lin Yuwei suggested additional foods

water:Get plenty of water every day.

fish oil:Increase the phagocytic ability of macrophages and neutrophils and strengthen the protection.

Probiotics:Reduce the risk of intestinal inflammation and maintain the immune function of the intestinal barrier.

Nutritionists believe that groups with high nutrient needs are more likely to be deficient

High frequency of eating out:Eat out 2 meals a day.

did not sleep well:Often insomnia, light sleep, half-sleep wake up.

Insufficient immunity:It is easy to have a small cold or a slight fever.

Fragile skin:Frequent skin allergies and eczema.

Busy office workers:Long hours or high-stress workers.

Frequent socializing:Often smoke or drink to socialize.

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