“Anti-inflammatory painkillers may damage the kidney, these 4 kinds of people should be careful to prevent kidney damage-Food and Drug Stop Watching and Listening- Free Health Network

Elderly people should be especially careful when taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers (NSAIDs). Before taking the drug, they should take the initiative to inform the medical history and pay attention to whether there are symptoms such as decreased urine output. (Photo credit: shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Modern people often take anti-inflammatory painkillers for shoulder and neck pain, headaches, sore throats and other uncomfortable symptoms, but they often ignore the risk of kidney damage, especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers (NSAIDs) It is a frequent visitor to the domestic drug injury rankings. The Drug Injury Relief Foundation reminds that four types of people, such as chronic kidney patients, elderly people, low body fluid volume and taking blood pressure drugs, should pay special attention. Loss of appetite, even shortness of breath and other 5 symptoms, you should be alert, there may be a precursor to kidney damage, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

The Drug Injury Relief Foundation pointed out that NSAIDs have a wide range of clinical uses and are often used to relieve various pain and inflammation symptoms such as toothache, menstrual pain or arthritis. In addition to common adverse reactions such as gastrointestinal discomfort or edema, other serious adverse reactions may also occur. Such as acute kidney injury or severe skin adverse reactions.

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NSAIDs Injury Ranking Regulars

According to the statistics of the Drug Injury Relief Foundation in recent years, NSAIDs anti-inflammatory and painkillers are frequent visitors to the drug injury rankings, among which diclofenac and ibuprofen are common harmful drugs.

7-year-old Weng has a history of heart failure and ibuprofen causes acute kidney injury

The Drug Injury Relief Foundation has received a case of acute kidney injury caused by ibuprofen. Mr. Chen, who is in his 70s, has a history of arrhythmia and heart failure. After taking medicine for a few days, symptoms such as lower extremity edema, decreased urination, weight gain, and proteinuria appeared one after another. The diagnosis was suspected to be acute interstitial nephritis caused by ibuprofen. After several weeks of hospitalization, the condition improved and was discharged from the hospital for recuperation. .

Mr. Chen applied for drug injury relief due to a rare acute interstitial nephritis caused by drug allergy; he also has high risk factors such as advanced age and a history of heart failure, which may aggravate the severity of kidney damage.

The Drug Injury Relief Foundation reminds high-risk groups, especially those with silver hair or a history of kidney disease, to pay special attention to kidney damage and related symptoms when using NSAIDs. recover.

There are two types of kidney damage caused by NSAIDs

●One is acute interstitial nephritis caused by allergic reaction, which is rare (incidence is less than 1%), and symptoms are often accompanied by fever or skin rash.

●Another common reason is that NSAIDs reduce the supply of blood flow to the kidneys, which reduces the function of the kidneys to filter waste, which increases the risk of kidney damage in the long run.

According to the research, the incidence of renal injury events caused by the use of NSAIDs is about 1-5%, and the risk of acute kidney injury during medication is nearly doubled. Among them, the elderly or patients with a history of heart failure and kidney disease are at higher risk of acute kidney injury caused by the use of NSAIDs than the general population.

The Drug Injury Relief Foundation reminds that before using NSAIDs, you should take the initiative to inform your doctor or pharmacist of your medical history and the drugs you are using, and carefully understand the precautions for medication. People with the following conditions may increase the risk of kidney damage after taking the drug. They should be especially cautious and pay attention to the symptoms of related adverse reactions.

These situations are high risk groups

●Chronic kidney patients: An analysis of big data by the National Health Insurance Administration found that improper use of NSAIDs will cause patients with moderate to severe kidney disease to enter the stage of dialysis earlier.

●The elderly.

●Insufficient body fluid volume: massive vomiting, diarrhea or diuresis; heart failure, liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome and other diseases.

●Currently taking diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) and other antihypertensive drugs.

Master the principle of low-dose, short-term use

In order to protect kidney health, you should consult a professional before using NSAIDs, read the instructions for use carefully, and take them as instructed by your doctor or pharmacist. If the pain persists for more than 10 days or the fever persists for more than 3 days after taking the medicine, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day while taking the medicine

The Drug Injury Relief Foundation reminds the public that when taking NSAIDs, they should drink enough water, drink 6-8 glasses of water (about 2000 ml) a day, and do not drink alcohol.

If you have symptoms such as decreased urine output, lower extremity edema, fatigue, loss of appetite, or even shortness of breath, you should be alert. It may be a precursor to kidney damage and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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