“Health Net” Be vegetarian and pay attention to balanced nutrition. Nutritionist teaches you to eat smartly- LOHAS Diet-Free Health Network

The nutritionist reminds that vegetarians tend to have insufficient intake of iron and zinc, and they can supplement by taking more spinach, fungus, soybeans, dark green vegetables, brown rice, and oats. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]November 25th is World Meatless Day, also known as International Vegetarian Day. Nutritionist Yu Zhuqing said that although there are many benefits to being a vegetarian, some animal foods contain more nutrients, such as iron Iron and zinc are easy to be insufficient. You can take more spinach, fungus, soybeans, dark green vegetables, brown rice, and oats to supplement. Also avoid drinking tea or coffee at the same time when eating, so as not to affect iron absorption.

Yu Zhuqing posted on his Facebook page “Yu Zhuqing nutritionist“posted a post to share that in previous years, there would be nearly ten million people in the world who will join hands to respond to this green festival on November 25, and use green food to contribute to the earth together. I also remind vegetarians to pay attention to nutritional balance and supplement iron and zinc. , protein, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12.

supplement iron

Yu Zhuqing pointed out that spinach, fungus, soybeans, dark green vegetables, brown rice, oats, etc. are all sources of iron, and they can be eaten together with fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C to promote iron absorption.

Mineral Zinc Supplement

Yu Zhuqing said that the mineral zinc is mostly found in some seafood and meat, and vegetarians can also get it from whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice, black beans, cashew nuts and other foods.

protein supplement

Yu Zhuqing said that edamame, tofu, soy milk, dried tofu, and nuts are rich in protein, and some vegetables, such as broccoli, sweet potato leaves, baby corn, burdock, and asparagus, are also rich in protein.

Supplement calcium and vitamin D

Yu Zhuqing said that milk, cheese, yogurt, sesame seeds, nostocs, kelp, mushrooms and as much sun exposure as possible can supplement calcium and vitamin D.

Vitamin B12 Supplement

Yu Zhuqing pointed out that because vitamin B12 cannot usually be obtained from foods such as beans, vegetables and fruits, vegetarians are also prone to lack of B12, so they can supplement eggs, dairy products, cheese, milk, or beans, whole grains and other foods to reduce the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. Supplement with vitamin B12.

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