Health Net “Children with poor immunity are susceptible to influenza 6 preventive measures to report to you- Instant News- Free Health Net

Wash your hands frequently, strengthen personal hygiene habits, and do not directly touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands to avoid contact with influenza; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from freepik)

Text / Jian Shuzhen

Influenza (abbreviated as flu) is an acute viral respiratory disease, which can be acquired by people of any age and is a highly contagious disease. Children with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to infection and tend to have more severe symptoms and longer recovery times. After infection, sick children often have symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle pain, fatigue, runny nose, sore throat and cough, and recover within 2-7 days on average.

Influenza viruses can be divided into 4 types A, B, C, and D, among which types A and B can cause seasonal epidemics. Taiwan can occur all year round, usually in winter, and the peak epidemic period is from December to January and February of the next year. Influenza is transmitted mainly through droplets from the respiratory tract, especially in confined spaces, where it is easy to infect others through droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze; since influenza viruses can survive for a short time on the surface of objects, it is also possible to contact droplets through hands The surface of the contaminated article, and then touch your mouth, nose or eyes to cause virus infection.

The infectious period is 3-5 days for adults and 7 days for children after the onset of symptoms. In addition to symptoms of fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, runny nose, sore throat and cough, some infected people may also have gastrointestinal symptoms, which may also lead to serious complications and even death; the most common complication is pneumonia, and other Encephalitis, myocarditis and secondary infection or neurological diseases.

Therapeutic drugs include neuroamine enzyme inhibitors, such as Zanamivir (Relenza) and Oseltamivir (Tamiflu), which can effectively inhibit the spread of influenza virus and can treat influenza A and B viruses at the same time. Among them, Tamiflu (commonly known as Tamiflu) is taken orally, which has mild side effects (a few may cause nausea and vomiting); Zanamivir (commonly known as Relenza) is a powder, which needs to be administered by inhalation. It requires skill and is generally recommended for children over 5 years old. use.


●Wash hands frequently, strengthen personal hygiene habits, and do not directly touch eyes, nose and mouth with hands to avoid contact infection.

●Keep the home environment clean and keep the air circulation indoors to reduce the chance of virus transmission.

●If you have flu-like symptoms, please seek medical treatment as soon as possible to prevent complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis after infection. After seeing a doctor, it is advisable to rest at home, reduce going to public places, and wear a mask if you go out.

●During the influenza epidemic, avoid going to public places with crowds and poor air circulation.

●Annual influenza vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza, which can avoid the risk of serious complications after infection.

● Pay attention to a balanced diet, you can take some foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, oranges, grapefruit, etc., or supplement vitamin C tablets.

(The author is the head nurse of Ward 5B of Xinguang Hospital. This article is taken from “Xinguang Medical News”)

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