Health Net” Diagnosed and supplemented with 5 nutrients, fast and good nutritionist: take good care of immunity and really prevent epidemics – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Net

Nutritionists said that diagnosed patients can supplement high-quality protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E to help restore health. (Picture taken from pexels)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]The number of confirmed cases of Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19) is increasing day by day. In addition to taking medicine to fight the virus, dietitian Zhao Hanying posted on her Facebook page “The beauty formula of Zhao Hanying nutritionist“Sharing, taking care of one’s own nutrition and immunity is the real epidemic prevention, and suggested that those diagnosed can supplement the following nutrients to restore the body to health.

●High-quality protein:Eggs, fish, tofu, soy milk, etc., help the synthesis of immunoglobulins.

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●Vitamin A:Carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins can protect epithelial cells and repair throat mucosa.

●Vitamin C:All kinds of vegetables and fruits, pineapples, kiwis, etc., do not eat raw, vegetables should be cooked to avoid bacterial infection!

●Vitamin D:Sun-dried black fungus, shiitake mushrooms, mushrooms, egg yolks, walk by the window or on the balcony for 10 minutes to help activate vitamin D3

●Vitamin E:All kinds of nuts, fish oil, linseed oil, avocado oil, etc., can repair cell membranes, and a large amount of omega3 can resist inflammation and relieve pain.

Zhao Hanying also reminded that before recovering, do not eat refined sugar, sweets, sweet drinks, fried processed foods, do not worry too much, do not get angry, if you have a severe throat pain, you can eat soft steamed eggs, chicken essence or soy milk to go. Steam, or drink some room temperature mint herbal tea to help soothe discomfort.

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