“Immunity is too strong and it hurts the body. Nutritionist: “Just right” is very important- LOHAS Diet- Free Health Network

Gao Minmin recommends eating deep-sea fish, such as salmon, 3 times a week to help get omega-3s. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Everyone knows to enhance immunity, but do you know that too strong immunity will damage your own cells? Nutritionist Gao Minmin posted on Facebook fan page “Gao Minmin nutritionist“To share, the stronger the immune system, the better. If you overdo it, it will hurt the body, and sorted out 5 nutritious foods to adjust the immune system.

Gao Minmin said that if the immunity is too low, harmful substances multiply in the body, which can easily lead to various diseases, but if the immunity is too strong, it will attack its own normal cells and cause immune pathological damage. Normal immunity can protect against foreign pathogens. She also reminded that in addition to diet, it is also important to maintain a happy mood, relieve stress, and exercise regularly.

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5 Nutritious Foods

●High-quality protein

Protein is the main component of white blood cells and antibodies. Long-term insufficient protein intake or low quality will increase the risk of infection with bacteria and viruses. Gao Minmin recommends eating 5 to 8 servings of protein a day, about the size and thickness of 1.5 palms, and recommends taking it from plant or animal sources, such as beans, soy products, lean meat, muscle, milk, etc.

●Vegetables and fruits of different colors

The phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables have a protective effect on the human body. For example, the “polysaccharides” in black mushrooms can regulate immune function. Orange-red fruits and vegetables include carrots, yellow bell peppers, tomatoes, etc., which have vitamin A, which can protect the eyes and nose. , The mucous membranes of the mouth, lungs and gastrointestinal tract are healthy. Gao Minmin recommends eating 2 to 3 bowls of various vegetables and 2 to 3 fist-sized fruits a day.


Omega-3 helps reduce “chronic inflammation” in the body, so that immune cells will not be overworked and out of balance, but because the human body cannot make it on its own, it needs to be taken from food. Gao Minmin recommends eating deep-sea fish 3 times a week, such as : Mackerel, saury, tuna, salmon, seaweed, nuts, flaxseed, flaxseed oil, perilla oil, etc. are good fatty foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids every day.


Choose whole grains as much as possible. Unrefined grains are rich in vitamin B group, various minerals and dietary fibers, especially vitamins B2, B5, B6, and folic acid, which are good for maintaining the health of cell mucosa and producing antibodies. Eat at least one bowl of brown rice, five-grain rice or oatmeal in 3 meals to replace refined white rice, white noodles, white bread toast, etc.

●Good bacteria

Good bacteria can regulate immunity, improve gastrointestinal health, and reduce the chance of disease. Fermented dairy products such as yogurt are the products of milk fermentation, which will convert most of the sensitive lactose into lactic acid, so that nutrients can be broken down into small molecules for better absorption. Gao Minmin said that about 70% of the guards in the human body are in the intestines, and the intestinal bacteria are more good and less bad, and the balance of bacteria is very important. She recommends drinking 1 to 2 bottles of 250ml yogurt or yogurt every day. Plus other foods like natto, kimchi.

Gao Minmin reminds that while eating good bacteria, you should also take vegetables, fruits, whole grains and roots, among which dietary fiber and oligosaccharides are probiotic foods, which can help the growth of probiotics in the intestinal tract.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin. (Photo courtesy of Gao Minmin)

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