“Health Net” Worried about liver and kidney damage and not taking medicine?U.S. study: Blood lipid-lowering drugs can reduce the risk of liver cancer-Free Health Network

The doctor said that it is of course best for fatty liver patients to rely on diet to control it. If not, it is still beneficial to take medicine to control it. There is no need to worry about side effects, just remember to track liver function regularly; the situation is as shown. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Some fatty liver patients are afraid that taking cholesterol-lowering drugs will burden the liver and kidneys, so they are sometimes reluctant to take the drugs. However, Qian Zhenghong, a gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary physician at Keelung Chang Gung Hospital, said that studies have shown that patients with fatty liver who take blood lipid-lowering (statin) drugs can reduce the incidence of liver cancer by 53% in the long run.

Qian Zhenghong posted on his Facebook page “Qian Zhenghong Gastrointestinal Hepatobiliary Physician“The article pointed out that many people with fatty liver have high blood fat and high blood sugar at the same time. A new generation of hypoglycemic and lipid-lowering drugs can reduce fatty liver and liver fibrosis, and a new study shows that patients with fatty liver who take blood lipid-lowering (statin) drugs can reduce the incidence of liver cancer.

Qian Zhenghong said that many people know that taking medicine can lower cholesterol, but they are afraid that taking medicine for a long time will burden the liver or kidneys. However, if taking medicine for a long time has anti-cancer benefits, it can increase the motivation to take medicine to some extent.

He also pointed out that scholars at Stanford University in the United States analyzed the medication records of 273,000 fatty liver patients, of which 73,000 were taking statin drugs, and the other 200,000 were not. The long-term follow-up results are as follows:

●The probability of suffering from liver cancer is 6.1 per 10,000 for those who take the medicine, and 10.1 for those who do not.

●Long-term medication can reduce the chance of suffering from liver cancer by 53%.

●Drugs can reduce the risk of liver cancer regardless of liver fibrosis.

●There is a preventive effect if you take medicine, but the longer the medicine is used, the higher the cumulative dose, and the better the anti-cancer effect.

●There is no difference in the effect of different brands of drugs.

As for the side effects of lipid-lowering drugs, Qian Zhenghong explained that the side effects of statin drugs may cause “abnormal liver function” and muscle pain. According to statistics, 0.5-3% of people will experience an increase in liver index after taking statin drugs, most of which will occur within 3 months after taking the drug. However, serious liver damage is very rare in clinical practice, about 2 per million, and many cases of high liver index during the study period are actually not related to the drug, such as steatohepatitis, The liver index will be high and low, not caused by taking medicine.

Qian Zhenghong concluded that whether fatty liver patients suffer from liver cancer is closely related to high blood sugar and high blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides). Of course, it is best to rely on diet control. Side effects, just remember to track your liver function regularly.

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