Health Network “Become a Dementia Friendly Angel, 5 Steps from the National Health Department – Silver Hair World – Free Health Network

The National Health Administration shared that becoming a friendly angel of dementia 5 steps to “STE²P”, so that the public can better understand how to communicate and interact with people with dementia; the picture shows the situation photo. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]According to data from the National Health Administration, as many as 85% of Taiwanese patients with dementia currently live in the community. Because the general public lacks a correct understanding of patients with dementia, people with dementia and their caregivers are prone to was treated unkindly.In this regard, the National Health Servicefacebook fanPosted and shared, “STE²P” 5 steps to become a friendly angel of dementia, hoping to let more people, businesses and organizations learn how to use this skill to communicate and interact with people with dementia and their caregivers.

The National Health Administration has been promoting the Dementia Friendly Community Program since 2017, recruiting “Dementia Friendly Angels”, and stated that Dementia Friendly Angels are able to understand and accept the dementia mentally, and provide timely assistance, respect, tolerance and ability. Interact freely with people with dementia in a non-discriminatory, non-exclusive, non-blaming manner.

Please read on…

Be a Dementia Friendly Angel 5 Steps


Introduce yourself to someone with dementia with a smile.

● Say thank you (Thanks)

Thanks to the demented for helping to get things done.

●Step 3 Eye Contact

Lower the body and look at the demented person, without avoiding the gaze of the other person.

●Step 4 Embracing the moment

Listening to the topics of people with dementia, grasping the needs of the moment, without accusing, arguing and correcting.

The fifth step is to listen patiently (Patience)

Listening patiently, answering questions can slow things down.

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