Health Network “Can drinking coffee cause gastroesophageal reflux?Doctors share the experience of “solving doubts” – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

According to Chinese medicine practitioners, whether caffeine is directly related to gastroesophageal reflux still needs to be confirmed by research. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]”Doctor, can I drink coffee?” is a frequently asked question by patients with gastroesophageal reflux in physician clinics. In response to this, the TCM physician responded that there was no evidence that caffeine would cause or aggravate the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux. According to his observations in the outpatient clinic, “There are actually very few patients who actually suffer from gastroesophageal reflux due to drinking coffee, and most of them are due to Coffee is added with milk and sugar, which can cause stomach discomfort.” He also pointed out that coffee with higher acidity is more likely to cause gastroesophageal reflux.

How caffeine refreshes the mind

Zeng Zicheng, a physician at Hanbu Shijia Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, posted on his Facebook fan page “TCM Physician Zeng Zicheng | What skin is itchy in the stomachThe article pointed out that there is a substance adenosine in the human brain that promotes sleep, and its concentration will increase with physical activity. resulting in drowsiness. The structure of caffeine is exactly similar to that of adenosine, so it will compete with adenosine for the position of the receptor, so that drowsiness disappears and neural activity is maintained to achieve a refreshing effect.

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Ingestion of caffeine activates cranial nerves

Zeng Zicheng said that caffeine will stimulate the brain to secrete dopamine and adrenaline, make the heart beat faster, feel happy, activate the muscles of the whole body, and make the brain in a state of sobriety and excitement. And after caffeine is metabolized by the liver, it will be decomposed into theophylline and theobromine, these substances will increase the blood flow in the local brain and activate the cerebral cortex; studies have confirmed that an appropriate amount of caffeine can help reduce the risk of certain diseases, including Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.

As for whether drinking coffee can protect the liver, Zeng Zicheng said that according to research, it should be possible, because the liver is used to metabolize toxins in the body. For example, many drugs pass through the liver, and coffee contains many antioxidants, which can inhibit the internal organs. The chronic inflammatory response, protect liver cell damage, such as caffeic acid, cafestol, moderate intake of caffeine, avoid fatty liver and liver cirrhosis. But it should be noted that although drinking coffee is not harmful to the body, it does not encourage people to use coffee to protect the liver.

It is not yet possible to conclude that drinking coffee is directly related to gastroesophageal reflux

Zeng Zicheng pointed out that for a long time, coffee drinking and gastroesophageal reflux seem to have a certain relationship, and caffeine may also cause the relaxation of the cardia sphincter, making the situation of gastric acid reverse more serious; but in fact, this part has not been confirmed in research. , so a direct relationship between caffeine and gastroesophageal reflux cannot be concluded.

He further said that, observed in the outpatient clinic, there are actually very few patients with gastroesophageal reflux due to drinking coffee. Most of them are caused by the addition of milk and sugar to coffee, which will cause stomach discomfort. Usually, patients are asked to drink black coffee first. , or replace the milk with other additions like oat milk or soy milk.

In addition, coffees with different roasting degrees will also have an impact. The acidity is ranked. Light roasts are the most sour, medium roasts are second, and dark roasts are the most bitter. The higher the acidity of coffee, the more likely it is to cause gastroesophageal reflux.

What to do if you can’t quit coffee

Zeng Zicheng said that people who drink coffee every day suddenly stop drinking, and they are prone to headaches, fatigue, drowsiness, lack of energy, and bad mood. This is actually a kind of “substance dependence”. If you really need to quit coffee, you should first try to reduce the amount and frequency, rather than suddenly stop drinking, which will have the opposite effect. If you really need an excessive amount of coffee to refresh your mind, to a certain extent, there may already be so-called “chronic fatigue”. At this time, you can consider the intervention of traditional Chinese medicine, combined with dietary hygiene education to adjust your constitution.

Zeng Zicheng reminded that if you really want to drink coffee, for caffeine, it is recommended for adults not to exceed 400mg a day, which is about 900 to 1000ml for commercially available coffee. Of course, it depends on the item, but it is about 3 to about 4 cups. In addition, the half-life of coffee is about 6 to 8 hours. People who are prone to insomnia should avoid drinking caffeine drinks 6 to 8 hours before bedtime, which can avoid insomnia.

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