Health Network” Chinese-style meal “sodium” halved study: systolic blood pressure dropped by 10mmHg in 1 month-News Fax-Free Health Network

Chinese cuisine is often high in sodium and oil. Experts suggest that reducing sodium during cooking will help your heart health. (file photo)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Mediterranean diet and DASH diet are beneficial to cardiovascular health, but because their origins come from Western food culture, dairy products, fish, nuts, etc. are often required in the diet, which is different from the Taiwanese diet. There are great cultural differences, and it is difficult for those who like Chinese food to accept. The latest research in China found that “Chinese-style meals” can become healthier after halving the sodium content and increasing the intake of fiber and potassium. Patients with hypertension can reduce systolic blood pressure by 10mmH in one month.

American Heart Association (AHA) releasePress releasepointed out that an article published in its journal “cycle“(Circulation) study shows that after modifying the traditional Chinese food to: less fat, halved sodium content, doubled dietary fiber, increased protein, carbohydrates, and mineral potassium, as long as you eat it for 4 weeks, you will shrink. and diastolic blood pressure can be reduced.

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The researchers found 265 Chinese adult hypertensive patients and randomly assigned them to two groups, the control group maintaining the original eating habits and the healthy version of the Chinese food group, for a period of 28 days. The results of the study showed that compared with the control group, the systolic blood pressure of the healthy Chinese meal group decreased by an average of 10mmHg, and the diastolic blood pressure decreased by 3.8mmHg.

Compared with the control group, the healthy version of the Chinese meal group ate an improved menu. Compared with the control group, their sodium intake was reduced from 6,000 mg per day to 3,000 mg per day; the calories from fat were reduced by 11%; the calories from carbohydrates were eaten. 8% increase; 4% increase in protein calorie intake; additional intake of dietary fiber, and minerals potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

During the research and experiment, four major Chinese cuisines were improved at the same time: Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine, and Shandong cuisine. There was no significant difference between the four major cuisines, and they all lowered blood pressure.

Wu Yangfeng, the program host and a professor at the Peking University Clinical Research Institute in China, said that many ethnic Chinese still maintain traditional Chinese eating habits even though they have lived in other countries, which are quite different from Western diets. While the Western diet also has the Mediterranean and Deshu diets to help lower blood pressure, traditional Chinese food does not yet have a similar diet.

Studies have speculated that long-term maintenance of this healthy diet can reduce the risk of major cardiovascular disease by 20%, the risk of heart failure by 28%, and all-cause mortality by 13%.

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