Health Network “Drinking coffee helps defecation foreign media: stimulate colon contractions by 60% – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

Studies have found that drinking coffee can trigger the nervous system or hormones in the stomach lining to stimulate the action of the colon and make bowel movements easier. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Drinking coffee can not only refresh the mind, but also solve the problem of constipation for some people, according to “CNNreported that coffee triggers a nervous system or hormonal response that stimulates colon contractions by 60 percent. However, experts do not recommend drinking coffee to help defecate. Instead, you should still allow your body to defecate naturally by supplementing dietary fiber and taking in enough water.

Kyle Staller, a physician at Massachusetts Hospital in Boston, points out that the colon undergoes a mixture of three types of contractions to defecate, and is influenced by timing, frequency, muscle, nerve and chemical the pastResearchIt was shown that colon contractions were stimulated within minutes of drinking coffee. The subjects were randomly drank hot coffee, decaffeinated coffee, water, or a meal, and the colon detector found that both coffee and a meal caused more contractions and stress than water, with caffeinated coffee than Water stimulates colonic activity 60% higher; 23% more than decaffeinated coffee.

Staller pointed out that anotherResearchIt was found that drinking unsweetened black coffee for 4 minutes also increased colonic activity for at least 30 minutes. Therefore, it is speculated that coffee does not directly contact the inner wall of the colon, but triggers the “gastrocolic reflex” of the nervous system or hormones through the inner wall of the stomach, causing the colon to contract and push the stool to the rectum. Coffee also stimulates the secretion of gastric acid, which digests food more quickly and pushes it to the intestines.

Experts further pointed out that if you have lactose intolerance but like to drink latte, then creamer and fresh milk may be the reasons for people to want to defecate. Therefore, you can learn more about your body by comparing black coffee with latte. And remind, if you are often constipated, do not drink coffee to help defecation, you still need to take dietary fiber and intake enough water on a regular basis; if you have irritable bowel syndrome, it is recommended not to drink coffee often.

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