Health Network “Healthy brain and disease prevention!Dietitian reveals 4 benefits of drinking soy milk

Nutritionists say that soy milk contains lecithin, which inhibits the absorption of lipids and sugars in the body, which helps to lose weight. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]In addition to high-quality protein, what nutritional effects of soy milk are in line with the health needs of modern people? In this regard, nutritionist Zhu Ruijun sorted out 4 benefits of soy milk, and reminded that soy milk without filter residue contains a lot of cellulose, which can prevent the body from overabsorbing sugar, and soy milk contains magnesium and calcium, which can improve cerebral blood flow and prevent stroke.

Zhu Ruijun’s Facebook fan page “Easy slim nutritionist Zhu RuijunThe article pointed out that soy milk is rich in protein and has many nutrients, so it is also known as the “milk of the plant kingdom”. In addition, soy milk is not only easy to digest and absorb, but also contains no lactose, so it will not cause side effects for people who are lactose intolerant.

Please read on…

1. Prevent diabetes:Soy milk without filter residue contains a lot of cellulose, which can effectively prevent the body from over-absorbing sugar.

2. Prevent high blood pressure:Contains a variety of nutrients, has antioxidant effects, helps reduce cholesterol levels and prevent high blood pressure.

3. Helps lose weight:Soymilk contains lecithin, which inhibits the absorption of lipids and sugars in the body, which helps to lose weight.

4、Prevention of stroke:Soymilk contains magnesium and calcium, which can improve cerebral blood flow and prevent cerebral apoplexy, and the lecithin in soymilk can help the development of brain nerves and improve brain function.

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