Health Network” Is it time to supplement group B?Dietitian exposes “5 symptoms” to eat-Instant News-Free Health Network

The nutritionist said that he can judge from the relevant symptoms whether he needs to supplement group B; the picture shows the situation photo. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Many people choose the vitamins they need to supplement according to their physical symptoms; in this regard, nutritionist Lin Yuwei posted on the Facebook fan page “Lin Yuwei Nutritionist“The article shared that you can judge whether you need to supplement B group from 5 related symptoms. In addition, it also provides a more detailed introduction of 8 kinds of vitamin B group.

Lin Yuwei said that vitamin B group is an important cofactor for the body’s metabolism, including the digestion and absorption of nutrients, hematopoietic function, nerve conduction, toxin metabolism and other physiological and biochemical reactions. If vitamin B group is lacking, the body will appear 5 common common symptoms.

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●Fatigue and weakness

●nausea and vomiting

●Mental disorders: depression, irritability, insomnia

●Resistance becomes lower

Gastrointestinal dysfunction: indigestion, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea

Lin Yuwei explained that there are 8 types of vitamin B groups. Different B vitamins have common characteristics, but they also have unique functions. Therefore, they can be compared with deficiencies to understand which B vitamins are lacking.

Vitamin B1

●Function: maintain cardiovascular and peripheral nerve conduction, gastrointestinal digestion, normal appetite and energy metabolism of three major nutrient transformations.

●Lack of symptoms:

Nerves – beriberi, foot drop, muscle weakness, polyneuritis

Cardiovascular – arrhythmia, cardiac hypertrophy

Psychiatric – confusion, short-term memory loss

Gastrointestinal – poor appetite, constipation, indigestion

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

●Function: The mucous membranes of eyes, lips, mouth, tongue, and skin are healthy, and the three major nutrients are transformed into energy metabolism, which is responsible for the metabolism of vitamins B6 and B3.

●Lack of symptoms:

Eyes – photophobia, blurred vision

Oral – sore throat, chapped lips, angular stomatitis, glossitis

Skin- seborrheic dermatitis

Other – Anemia

Nutrients – impaired vitamin B6 metabolism, vitamin B3 deficiency

Vitamin B3 (nicotine)

●FunctionThe important role of cell signaling and DNA generation and repair, as well as the three major nutrient transformations, energy metabolism.

●Lack of symptoms:

Skin – Leprosy, dark brown skin pigmentation

Oral – glossitis, angular stomatitis

Mental – confusion, insomnia

Nerve – Paresthesia of the nerve endings

Gastrointestinal – indigestion, diarrhea, constipation

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

●Function: the synthesis of sex hormones and stress hormones, the metabolism and generation of neurotransmitters, and the metabolism of three major nutrients and energy.

●Lack of symptoms:

Mental – irritability, sleep disturbance

Nerves – numbness in hands and feet, paresthesias

Muscles – cramps, slow walking, low blood sugar, increased insulin sensitivity

Gastrointestinal – stomach cramps

Vitamin B6

●Function: amino acid metabolism, inhibitory neurotransmitter (GABA), erythropoiesis, and auxiliary vitamin B3 synthesis.

●Lack of symptoms:

Skin- seborrheic dermatitis

blood – glomerular anemia

Nerves – epilepsy, spasms

Mental – depression, depression, insomnia

Nutrients – Vitamin B3 Deficiency

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

●Function: regulate gene expression, as well as three major nutrient transformation energy metabolism.

●Lack of symptoms:

Skin – scaly skin rash, hair loss

Spirit – lethargy, fantasy

nerve-terminal paresthesia

Eye – Conjunctivitis

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

●Function: Responsible for amino acid metabolism, synthesis of red blood cells and white blood cells, and maintain normal cell division.

●Lack of symptoms:

Blood – macrospheric anemia, palpitations

Mental – decreased concentration, irritability, headache

Oral – glossitis

Other – growth retardation, shortness of breath

Vitamin B12

●Function: maintain normal nerve conduction function, deal with the synthesis of DNA and red blood cells.

●Lack of symptoms:

Blood – macrospheric anemia (pernicious anemia), heart palpitations, pale skin

Mental – Concentration, memory loss, insomnia

Oral – glossitis

Nerves – tingling of lower extremities, sense of orientation and gait disorders

Other – shortness of breath

Gut – poor appetite, gas, constipation

Three recommendations for vitamin B supplementation

●To maintain the health of the skin and mucous membranes, it is necessary to consume enough B2, B3, and B6. If one of them is lacking, it will affect the immunity of the mucosal barrier and cause skin inflammation and angular stomatitis.

● Adequate intake of vitamins B6, B9, B12 can prevent anemia and avoid the risk of ischemic stroke, because these three vitamins are related to the division and growth of red blood cells.

●Most B vitamins are involved in nerve signal transmission, so daily intake of vitamin B group should be sufficient to maintain emotional stability and avoid neurological complications caused by long-term deficiency. If you have tried to supplement vitamin B complex for more than 2 weeks and your body still has symptoms, it is recommended that you get further advice from a professional physician or a medical professional.

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