Health Network “Without “This Element”, Fewer Sperm and Infertility Doctor: Sunbathing Can Be Supplemented – Instant News – Free Health

The doctor pointed out that vitamin D can be supplemented by sun exposure, which can increase the number of sperm and reduce the chance of infertility; the picture is a situational photo. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Vitamin D is an important element to maintain the body’s functioning. If the body lacks vitamin D, it will cause rickets in babies, osteoporosis and fractures in adults and the elderly, and even reduce the number of sperm in men. female infertility. Physicians recommend supplementing through diet, sun exposure and nutritional supplements.

Li Junyi of Maosheng Hospital posted on Facebook fan page “Dr. Li Junyi, the little prince of Maosheng Hospital“Sharing, according to the statistics of Maosheng Hospital last year, women with insufficient vitamin D concentration accounted for more than 82%, that is to say, 8 out of 10 women are vitamin D deficient, and lack of vitamin D may cause women to be prone to infertility. , Men may reduce the number of spermatozoa.

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Li Junyi said that vitamin D is a very important nutrient in mitochondrial function. Mitochondria are the generators of cells. They are responsible for providing the energy needed to make cells and make eggs. The energy needs to rely on it. If it is insufficient, it will affect the quality of the eggs. Ovarian function in turn affects the implantation of embryos, resulting in a decrease in the pregnancy rate. The quality of the egg is a very important key to affecting the pregnancy rate.

Li Junyi explained that the standard of vitamin D concentration is > 30g/ml; if the vitamin <30g/ml, there is a problem of vitamin insufficiency. According to the degree, it can be divided into: <10ng/ml serious deficiency; 10-19ng/ml deficiency; 20-29 If ng/ml is insufficient, if it is applied to infertility, we will use 20ng/ml as the basis.

Li Junyi pointed out that according to international research, the number of blastocysts, blastocyst rate and pregnancy rate of women with vitamin D concentration ≥20ng/ml were about 50% higher than those of <20ng/ml. If you have enough vitamin D, the pregnancy rate will be significantly improved!

In addition, insufficient vitamin D intake can lead to rickets in infants, and adults and the elderly are prone to osteoporosis, fractures, etc. Even if you are not pregnant, women should pay attention.

Li Junyi suggested that when the weather is good, go for a walk outdoors, increase the sun exposure, and increase vitamin D. You can choose foods rich in vitamin D such as salmon, fungus, and cheese. If the above two points are difficult to achieve, It can also be directly supplemented with health food.

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