[Health Value-Adding]Genetically Modified Tomatoes Are Coming Soon to Increase the Source of Vitamin D- Hong Kong Economic Times- Financial Management- Personal Value Added

The main source of vitamin D can be obtained through sun exposure. Basically, humans can synthesize sufficient vitamin D3 by themselves as long as they are exposed to sunlight for 10 minutes a day. If you are worried about lack of sunlight, you can also get vitamin D into your body through your diet.

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Modifying tomato genes to solve vitamin D deficiency

CNN CNN pointed out that scientists have used technology to modify tomato genes to increase the vitamin D content of tomatoes, adding a “new force” to high-dimensional D foods.

Vitamin D can be divided into animal and plant sources. Animal sources include fish, eggs, duck meat, etc.; plant sources include mushrooms, black fungus, etc. Tomato has never been “on the list”. A team of researchers in the UK has come up with a potentially new source of vegan vitamin D: genetically engineered tomato using CRISPR-Cas9 technology, containing the pre-vitamin D. body substance. If farmers and producers follow this process, these tomatoes could help address vitamin D deficiencies.

Vitamin D supplements are readily available in many countries, but Cathie Martin, a professor at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, UK, who participated in the study, said eating tomatoes was much better than taking supplements. “People don’t always eat enough fruits and vegetables, I think a dietary source of vitamin D in plant form is a good way to go, and tomatoes, which are a good source of vitamin C by themselves, are rich in vitamin D as an added bonus. ”

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Sunshine Vitamin

For most people, the main source of vitamin D is diet, but when the skin is exposed to UVB rays, the body also produces micronutrients, so vitamin D is also known as the “sunshine vitamin”. Scientists have used a similar process in tomato plants, a compound in the skin that makes vitamin D called 7-DHC or vitamin D3, which is also found in the leaves and unripe green fruits of tomato plants. Researchers blocked a gene in tomato plants that allowed vitamin D3 to accumulate in ripe tomato fruits.

The genetically modified tomatoes were UVB-treated, and the study found that the pro-vitamin D3 in one tomato, once converted to vitamin D3, would be equivalent to the vitamin D3 content in two medium-sized eggs or 28 grams of tuna.

Experiments are expected to be harvested next month

The United Kingdom is burying its head in a trial to assess whether genetically-grown tomatoes grown outdoors will automatically convert vitamin D3. Cathie Martin said the first experiments are expected to mature by the end of June this year. The researchers say the gene-blocking technique could also be applied to other nightshade plants, such as bell peppers, peppers, eggplants and potatoes.

While mushrooms can also be a source of vitamin D by treatment with UVB rays or when grown in the wild, it is these plants that produce vitamin D2, which the paper says is more bioavailable than vitamin D3 from meat and dairy products Greatly reduced.

Author, editor in charge: Zhou Meihao

【original:CNN: Genetically Modified Tomatoes Coming Soon to Boost Vitamin D Source


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