“Healthy Gut: Expert Advice on Building a Strong Digestive System Through Diet and Lifestyle Choices”

2023-05-30 22:05:35

An expert in gastroenterology at the Cleveland Clinic global health care system, Dr. Christine Lee, advised the need to follow a healthy and varied diet that helps build a healthy digestive system, stressing that the health of the digestive system is essential to maintaining a strong immune system that promotes mental and physical health. for one.

Dr. Lee stressed the need to maintain a good balance of gut bacteria for the sake of human health, explaining that “eating the right foods strengthens the complex microbiome system in the intestine consisting of trillions of microbes, which includes beneficial bacteria.”

Symptoms of poor gut health may include skin rashes and fatigue, apart from the more obvious and more associated symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhea.

And she urged the gut health expert to pay attention to these symptoms, especially if any of them appeared after eating, as they are indications that one needs to make a change in the diet to help his intestines.


Dr. Lee advises individuals to eat plenty of plant foods, whole grains, and foods containing prebiotics and probiotics. Plant foods are full of soluble and insoluble fiber (prebiotics), aid digestion, and maintain a healthy digestive system.

And she added, “You should set a goal for you to eat between five and seven servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and diversify their colors to include green, red, orange and yellow, which means that you will get a variety of vitamins and nutrients that your body needs.”

She suggested eating whole grains that are full of fiber, which is important for regular bowel movements, such as oats, barley, rye, millet, quinoa and brown rice. Unprocessed whole grains also retain more natural benefits than milled or refined grains, from which some of the nutritious layers have been removed.

And the doctor recommended when shopping to choose cereals, in which the content of dietary fiber is not less than three grams per serving, in an effort to obtain the best amount of benefit.

Dr. Lee said: “It is possible to include foods that contain beneficial bacteria (probiotics), in the diet, which are fermented foods, such as yogurt and sauerkraut. These foods contain microorganisms that are beneficial for the health of the digestive system.

She added that “(prebiotics) found in garlic, onions, artichokes, bananas, apples, whole oats and others are important because they work alongside (probiotics) to maintain the functioning of the intestine and (microbiome) at maximum efficiency,” explaining that “(prebiotics) act as a food source to support good bacteria.” In the intestines, while (probiotics) enriches the pool of good bacteria and adds to its diversity.

Avoid or reduce

Many foods can cause digestive problems, which should be avoided or at least limited, according to Dr. Lee. These foods include high-sodium foods such as potato chips, processed meats, and many prepared foods, which can slow digestion and lead to bloating, as well as processed foods, which contain preservatives that slow down the movement of the digestive system and allow harmful bacteria to accumulate.

She recommended limiting other types of food, including oils loaded with saturated fats, which may lead to indigestion, gas and diarrhea, as well as artificial sweeteners, which may be difficult for the body to process.

It also advised limiting red meat intake to a level of no more than 85 grams twice a week, especially since red meat is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

And Dr. Lee concluded that “simple foods remain the best for our bodies,” calling for “listening to our intestines and observing reactions to the foods we eat, and reducing foods that cause problems in the digestive system, if we add to that regular exercise with exercises, Which strengthens the heart muscle, our intestines will become healthier and happier, ”as she described.

good bacteria

Dietary diversity leads to a healthier “microbiome” that contains more types of good bacteria, which will improve the condition of the digestive system and increase its ability to deal with everything that may enter it.

• 7 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, recommended by Dr. Christine.

#Foods #digestive #system #healthier #happier

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