history and main theme this year

This holiday not only celebrates the contribution of young people to the development of society, but also emphasizes the current issues and challenges that young people face today.

Youth is the driving force of any society, and in times of war, despite the difficult living conditions, it becomes the driving force of change and recovery. It brings new ideas, creativity and energy necessary for innovation and progress. Youth Day is an opportunity to celebrate achievements, discuss problems and support young people in their aspirations and initiatives.

International Youth Day

The international context of the celebration Youth Day has an interesting and multifaceted history that began after the Second World War, when the world needed a new approach to the development of the young generation and their participation in global affairs.

  • [1945:foundationoftheWorldFederationofDemocraticYouth(WFDM)

In autumn, namely on November 10, 1945, the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDM) was founded at the World Youth Conference, which became an important platform for the youth movement. VFDM united youth organizations from different countries that aimed to promote the ideals of peace, independence of countries, democracy and social justice. They opposed colonialism, racial hatred and fascism. This organization played a key role in popularizing the idea of ​​celebrating Youth Day and drawing attention to the problems of the young generation.

  • 1991: official International Youth Day

The idea of ​​celebrating the official International Youth Day was considered at the World Youth Forum of the United Nations, which took place in the capital of Austria in 1991. At this forum, issues related to youth were discussed, and proposals for global initiatives were presented. The Forum recommended recognizing International Youth Day as a way to support youth initiatives and draw attention to youth issues.

  • in 1999: official approval of the International Youth Day

The formal announcement of International Youth Day took place in 1998 at the World Conference of Ministers of Youth Affairs in Lisbon. A year later, the UN General Assembly officially approved the date of August 12 as International Youth Day by resolution № “A/RES 54/120 I”. This decision was made at the 54th session and was established to raise awareness of youth issues, support their initiatives and develop youth programs.

Today, this day is important for celebrating the achievements of the younger generation and discussing modern challenges. Young people are actively involved in solutions to global issues such as climate change, human rights and social justice. This day is also a platform for demonstrating new ideas and initiatives that can contribute to positive changes in the world.

Every year, the main theme of Youth Day is determined, and the United Nations deals with this issue. The topics are usually aimed at drawing attention to specific issues and problems affecting young people around the world, as well as stimulating the development of initiatives in these areas. This year the topic sounds like this: “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development” (From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development).

It emphasizes the importance of digital technologies as a tool for achieving sustainable development and improving people’s lives.

Photo: desapublications.un.org

Youth Day in Ukraine: history and modernity

Since 1958, Ukraine as a part of the USSR celebrated the “Soviet Youth Day”, which fell on the last Sunday of June. This holiday was initiated by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and was celebrated with great solemnity. It was customary to organize festive parades, concerts, sports competitions, as well as various competitions. The holiday was based on political motives, it was organized by the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (Komsomol), which emphasized its importance in Soviet society.

Youth Day during the time of independent Ukraine was started by the Decree of Leonid Kuchma № 323/94 from June 22, 1994 and was celebrated in the Soviet style on the last Sunday of June.

After the Revolution of Dignity, fundamental changes took place in Ukrainian society, and the desire for integration into the European community intensified. A number of youth public organizations and movements began to hold actions to move the celebration of Youth Day from the Soviet style to an international date. And only in 2021, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi supported this initiative. So, according to Decree No. 333/2021Youth Day in Ukraine is celebrated together with the whole world – August 12. Such a decision led to a change not only in the date of the celebration, but also in a rethinking of the meaning and values.

The purpose of the holiday is not only to recognize the achievements of young people and their rights, but also to motivate them to actively participate in the socio-political life, cultural development and economic growth of the country.

People of what age can be considered youth?

Typically, the age category of people who fall under the concept of “youth” may vary depending on social, cultural and organizational contexts. Yes, in Ukraine according to of the law “On the main principles of youth policy”, adopted by young people or young people consider people aged 14 to 35 years. The UN International Organization refers to the category of youth aged 15 to 24.



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