How are battlefield photos taken and distributed to the media? What is the “wall of 2000” faced by war photographer Yoichi Watanabe? (1/4) | JBpress

What is the “wall of 2000” faced by war photographer Yoichi Watanabe?

From 1000 battlefields.Yoichi Watanabe is in the middle

There are still many countries and regions in the world where conflicts and civil wars continue, not just the Ukraine war. Yoichi Watanabe, a photographer who continues to capture that reality and everyday life on the battlefield.

Along with photographs of the battlefields taken over the last 30 years, this book explains the background of the conflict, the realities behind it, and the attractions of the region.Yoichi Watanabe 1000 “battlefields”]on the web media <Synchronous> is distributed.

This time, I would like to introduce “Evolution of Cameras” and “Wall of Battlefield Photographers”.

(Composed by Kiyoko Hayashi)

One “wall” around 2000

Hello, this is Yoichi Watanabe, a war photographer.

This time, I would like to talk about the wall of 2000, which personally drew a big line for me as a photographer. What is this “wall” of the millennium from the 90’s to the 2000’s? I will deliver such a story.

The wall is just a “camera”.

The “film camera wall” until the 90’s. “Digital camera wall” since 2000. Around 2000, this dividing line between film and digital began to appear as a wall.

What were the specific changes and differences?

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