How is the new emotional well-being in the post-pandemic?

The only constant is change, and although this present will also pass, the post-pandemic has already arrived hand in hand with a new normality.

The world is not going to be the same as before, several jobs and activities have already been accommodated in another way, and to a greater or lesser extent this affects almost everyone.

Being able to accept and adapt to this reality ponders emotional well-being.

This is very easy to say, but this task is not always achieved.

In Fherswith the study of Karmic Christmas Cardit is possible to know how much adaptability one can have in periods of many changes such as the one we are currently experiencing.

In mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are the main indicators of flexibility.

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Today in Good Karma, with our eyes on the sky and our feet on the ground, we are going to talk about the planet Neptune, ruler of Pisces in its transit through said sign, what must be taken from it to improve the quality of life.

Neptunian intuition

Seeing astrology in its basic facet, Mercurio governs the concrete mind that allows calculations, analyze situations, discern, project.

Jupiter governs the abstract mind who gives the gift of imagination.

Neptunealthough it does not govern a mental structure, it is who connects with the different subtle worlds.

Someone with this harmonic planet can develop intuition during this life, easily notice things and can anticipate events before they happen.

From a deeper analysis of astrology, one can speak of telepathy o clairvoyanceand back to basics of Neptune, its energy can be used to find ideas that solve pragmatic problems that come to anyone.

It also helps to understand the causes of the different problems, and by knowing them, the blame is left behind and the emphasis is placed on solutions, all of which has a favorable effect on emotional well-being.

On the contrary, when this planet is weak in a natal chartthe skepticism can dominate the person.

Adapt to a new time. (Photo: Adobe Stock)

Neptune in retrograde

From this week and until December 3, Neptune begins to recede in the third decan of the sign of Pisces.

All translations of the planets in the solar system go in the same counterclockwise direction.

The retreat of a planet is a symbolic expression that indicates that if we see said planet from the earth, its position in the zodiac recedes as time passes, this natural phenomenon is produced by differences in speed.

In karmic astrology, this incidence is seen as a blockage to the energies of the planet, in this case by having weak intuition, fantasy can gain strength in the personality.

I also read: Karmic Astrology: Retrogression as Opportunity

You have to be attentive to mirages, you may not perceive reality or the opposite case, such as supposing that things are happening that are not such.

For example, in the couple, it is possible not to perceive an infidelity, or to believe the occurrence of a non-existent infidelity.

This occurs in the third decan of Pisces, a water sign, linked to emotions, so past wounds can resurface.

People with Neptune or the inharmonious Pisces indicators are the most affected by such a setback.

Keeping an open mind, not blaming others, not closing off, listening clearly to other points of view, are simple devices that can be put into practice to make the best of Neptune’s energies.

karmic telescope

Next we will analyze the main aspects of Neptune at the beginning of its retrograde cycle.

  • Neptune trine Sun: This appearance occurs in mid-July. Here, despite the setback, the harmony of the Sun can tip the balance towards mental clarity and being good with oneself.

The tendency is to be calm, stress does not affect it like at other times and you are more
sensitive to others.

  • Neptune square Mercury: This aspect occurs at the beginning of July and ends before the triangulation with the Sun.

Here fantasies can arise due to poor communication, it is not an auspicious time
to talk a lot, the passage is fast and deep conversations can be left for
another moment.

As a final reflection, from the point of view of karmic philosophy, evolution does not go backwards either, there are moments when someone can stagnate, stick to the past and give the impression of going backwards because of the progress of the rest. What you have learned is something that no one can take away from you.

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