how Orlando Bloom and several stars ended up drunk and shirtless in a club during filming

During a conference, a star of the movies confided a hilarious anecdote of the evenings which animated the band of actors during the filming of the trilogy of Peter Jackson.

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After the revelations about Viggo Mortensen’s (Aragorn) favorite pastime between takes, it’s the turn of British actor Dominic Monaghan (Lost), aka Meriadoc Brandybuck in The Lord of the Rings to make crisp revelations behind the scenes of the phenomenon saga, or rather on the drunken evenings of some of the cast members. And it would seem that even actor Ian McKellen, the interpreter of Gandalf, was not the last to raise his elbow during these interludes.

We were all young then“: the crazy filming anecdotes of Dominic Monaghan

During the last ATL Comic Convention, which was held from February 24 to 26 in Atlanta, Dominic Monaghan indulged in a few secrets concerning the nocturnal activities of part of the cast during the filming of Lord of the Rings. “We were young then. I was 23, Elijah [Wood, l’interprète de Frodon] 18, Billy [Boyd, alias Pipin] was in his early thirties (laughs). We partied a lot. Elijah and I would DJ until two or three in the morning“, remembered the actor of 46 years today.

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The drunken evenings of Ian McKellen

Even Ian McKellen, the famous Magneto in X-Men, seemed to take pleasure in joining his playing partners in the club. “Ian was there a lot, begging us to play gangsta rap“, he continued, causing the hilarity of his audience. “After several months, he came to us and said, ‘You know, I go to these straight bars with straight guys, and as a proud gay man, I was wondering if you could hang out with my friends for see the life I lead'”, continues Monaghan. What happened next ready to smile: “One Friday we went out with Billy, Orlando [Bloom]Elijah, Sean [Astin], but we weren’t sure we would fit in well. Billy told us that as soon as he left to get a drink, he turned around and Orlando and I were tossing our t-shirts in the air. It was a good night“, concluded the actor, in the midst of a fit of laughter.


Hobbits On Ian McKellen #lordoftherings #lotr #hobbits #dominicmonaghan #ianmckellen #gandalf #billyboyd #seanast #elijahwood #orlandobloom

♬ original sound – Fandom Spotlite

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Article written in collaboration with 6Médias

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