How to Get Sponsored on Instagram for Profit if You Don’t Have Many Followers

Sponsorship is an essential part of influencer marketing on Instagram. It is a way for brands to reach new audiences and spread their reputation further on the platform. The benefits for brands are obvious here – having a wider audience brings a bigger profit. Probably all people who try to develop their blogs on Instagram are wondering how to join the club of sponsored influencers who are benefiting from collaborations with different businesses.

Well, the first thing everybody thinks of is getting popular is what makes it. Of course, it seems easy now when you can easily buy 50 followers on Instagram and get your numbers rolling. But today simply having many subscribers and likes is not enough. To make yourself interesting to potential sponsors, you must not concentrate on numbers but also aim for high-quality content and increased engagement. Let’s find out what you have to do to become a valuable player in the sponsorship games.

What’s A Sponsorship On Instagram?

Sponsored posts on IG are basically the ones that are paid for. It is a sort of collaboration between brands and influencers that are targeted at increasing reach and getting a bigger audience of followers:

  • Some brands prefer paying directly to Instagram and getting the ability to engage with a customized public.
  • Some prefer co-working with bloggers who can create their unique content and introduce the item or company in their way.

To make this experience more effective and comfortable, Insta has created a special option that helps brands and bloggers make official deals and maintain healthy and beneficial business relations. Thus, if someone tags a brand in their post, the company has to confirm their participation. After the confirmation, the original post will be marked as “Paid partnership.”

Nowadays, businesses may neglect that you have a small number of Instagram followers if you provide enough proof that you have an active and relevant audience and that you create worthy and engaging content. Here are some tips on attracting sponsors to your profile.

Create A Consistent Image

Define what your industry is and what you want to represent, then you will find it much easier to develop your strategy and create new materials. Businesses appreciate standing out and not the typical image. Branding your account means not only creating specific content, it means you have authentic features and style in all things that matter on Instagram.

The general aesthetic of your account is vital as it helps companies to understand if you actually are useful to them as an influencer because visualization helps to understand if the item fits in and if the collaboration will be successful. Work on all the details and stick to certain aesthetics that expose your charm and abilities, making brands with tons of followers on IG want to use your profile as a marketplace and your brain as a source of great promotional materials.

Define The Audience

Another important aspect of becoming a known influencer is having a targeted audience that interacts with your materials eagerly and provides a lot of activity on your profile. Numbers don’t matter much because the main criteria that are important for brands are the level of engagement and loyalty of your subscribers.

Companies now tend to choose bloggers who have fewer Instagram followers with higher integrity in all their content types, because it means that the audience is properly researched and targeted. So, you must make it obvious who is the consumer of your content, who will not only like it but interact in other ways:

  • commenting,
  • saving,
  • sharing.

Communication is your main weapon to drive more people to your profile.

Master Hashtagging And Geotagging

Hashtags mean a lot for your growth on social media, as they are a vital tool for reaching and trafficking users to your IG blog. Hashtags are a versatile SEO instrument that makes your content discoverable for sponsors as well as potential followers on Instagram. Companies constantly monitor the potential of various hashtags that are related to the industry, so if you also acknowledge what set of terms is working right now, the chance to begin your collaboration with notable brands is higher.

Geotags are needed for targeting the right audience and increasing the discoverability of your content as well. Applying geotags helps Instagram algorithms to suggest your content to the location-aware audience, thus increasing the chance that people will be interested in it.

Contact Brands Yourself

After you have launched your growth, it is time to contemplate which companies might be interested in collaborating with you. It is determined by a variety of factors, including:

  • the style and purpose of your content,
  • the niche that you selected,
  • your personal preferences and character, etc.

Come up with some companies you would like to collaborate with, and simply make an offer. There’s nothing too special about it, this is only a method to drive the attention of Insta followers to your profile. Explain why the company should choose you, and provide the statistical report if requested. Be ready for tricky questions about your audience – the company needs to gather enough information about you to count their benefit.

Regular Posting Is A Must

To attract more users to your content, you have to develop a consistent schedule of uploading content to the platform. According to the latest research, you should appear online with a new post daily. On Instagram, this task is easy to complete, thanks to the big variety of content formats and Stories in particular. Releasing new materials so often is required for maintaining the activity on your account because as soon as you start uploading fewer posts, other influencers of your niche begin winning the attention of users and benefit from the algorithm. A good example is the development of YouTube account.

Don’t Try To Win Sponsorships By Reducing Prices

The last, but not the least significant tip to follow. Before you start monitoring and reaching out to the sponsors, you should understand your worth to them. Evaluate your services properly, so your potential sponsors can achieve the expected results of followers. If you overrate yourself, you risk losing your partnerships and reputation. Hence you must remain objective not only about your content quality but your ability to create new posts too.


Sponsorship is a relatively new way of collaboration on Instagram. Still, it certainly is useful and effective both for brands and influencers, as it helps to develop stable and fruitful business connections and establish a reputed institute that will also increase the popularity of both companies and bloggers among followers for IG. The most important thing to remember: be yourself and work on creating truly authentic and interesting materials, such as Live Streams on Instagram that provide more engagement and help you in increasing your visibility on the platform.

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